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Project Code [2016-CCRP-FS.26]

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Project title

Fulbright Scholarship 2016-2017 - Evaluating the impact of climate change on plant-soil microbial interactions

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

Maynooth University (MU)

Lead Applicant

Conor Meade

Project Abstract

Climate change will have significant impacts on terrestrial ecosystem composition in all natural and agricultural environments. Many of the forcing pressures on plants will be mediated through the soil, especially via interactions between plants and soil microbes. We now have the ability to monitor plant-soil microbiome interactions using next-generation DNA sequencing technology, and so model climate impacts on these interactions. This project will develop these techniques focusing on climate-sensitive alpine plants at a long-term ecological monitoring site in the high Rocky Mountains, with parallel analysis of the same species on the Ben Bulben plateau, Northwest Ireland.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Climate Change

Research Theme

Ireland's Future Climate, its Impacts, and Adaptation Options

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
