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Project Code [2012-CCRP-FS.13]
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Project title
GAINFUL Ground-bAsed remote-sensINg and in-situ aerosol-cloud synergy For hemispheric trans-boUndary air poLlution studies
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Lead Applicant
Jana Preissler
Project Abstract
Overall objective. To reduce the uncertainty of the impact of both natural marine and anthropogenic aerosols on clouds and cloud optical properties using long-term observations and synergetic in-situ and remote-sensing techniques. Motivation. Aerosols-clouds interaction still represents the largest uncertainty in ascertaining the global radiation budget. Approach. The proposed project will provide highly accurate retrievals of the principal aerosols optical parameters (e.g., backscatter, extinction and mass extinction) and will improve the precision in quantifying the aerosol indirect effect. This goal will be enabled at Mace head through a combination of in-situ continuous surface aerosols physical-chemical observation, including advanced aerosol mass spectrometric techniques, combined with synergistic ground-based remote sensing retrievals of aerosols optical parameters and cloud microphysics. The microphysical properties of clouds will be retrieved by two state-of-the-art techniques like SYRSOC and CLOUDNET and, additionally, will these be evaluated against other microphysical retrieval methods developed across Europe as part of COST Actions and will contribute to underpin the ESA EarthCARE mission. The successful outcome of the proposed project will also lead to the creation of a database of optical aerosol parameters and cloud microphysical products, and a significant advance of our understanding of key-processes associated with aerosol cloud interactions.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Climate Change
Research Theme
Trans-Boundary Air Pollution/Short Life Climate Forcers
Initial Projected Completion Date