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Project Code [2008-PhD-EH-3]
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Project title
Genetic methods to improve Cr(VI) bioremediation in groundwater
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Dublin City University (DCU)
Lead Applicant
Enrico Marsili
Project Abstract
Cr(VI) contamination of groundwater and soils is a primary public health concern in Ireland. Bioremediation is an environmental-friendly salternative for Cr(VI) removal from groundwaterand soils, but Cr(VI) toxicity limits the efficiency of bioremediation. We will use for the first time genome shuffling techniques to improve Cr(VI) tolerance and Cr(VI) reduction capability of the strict anaerobic bacterium Geobacter metallireducens. We will investigate the mechanism of Cr(VI) reduction in the resulting G.metallireducens mutants through an innovative electrochemical approach. Finally, we will test the best performing mutants in a bench-scale Cr(VI) bioremediation process.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Healthy Environment
Research Theme
Impacts on Aquatic Ecosystems & Human Health (including Drinking Water)
Initial Projected Completion Date