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Project Code [2023-CE-1211]
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Project title
Geospatial drainage status detection mapping of organic rich soils for NIR and policy support needs
Primary Funding Agency
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
Department of Agriculture, Food and Marine (Teagasc)
Lead Applicant
Owen Fenton
Project Abstract
A challenge for Ireland is the enhancement of our food production system to contribute to climate change mitigation, biodiversity protection and water quality improvements whilst developing resilience for future climate scenarios. In 2022, Ireland developed a pathway to cut economy wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 51% by 2030. This entails a 25% reduction (c. 5.75 Mt CO2e) in GHG emissions from the agricultural sector and significant GHG emission reductions from the land use sector. D-TECT will focus on drained grasslands on peat soils, which represent a large GHG emission source of, an estimated, 8-9 million tonnes CO2 equivalent per annum, from an area of 335,000 ha. There is a recognition that this estimate relies upon a number of un-tested assumptions regarding the extent, nutrient status and drainage status (shallow versus deep water table) of these soils which need to be interrogated and, where appropriate, refined. Such refinements, as potentially verified by D-TECT, could mean that emission estimates for these soils would be reduced by millions of tonnes annually, offering an opportunity to drastically improve emission estimates in the sector and provide for more informed and justifiable policy with regard to the management of such soils. D-TECT has identified a team and a range of innovative technological and modelling approaches to solve this
national challenge and provide more accurate data within a timely and cost effective manner. D-TECT will select and classify lowland peat soils on grassland across a number of sites, roll out technologies, create on the ground validation and monitoring datasets and conduct a SWOT analysis of these technologies to identify a way forward to produce a national drainage status map for Ireland. D-TECT will provide practical mapping and reporting tools that can facilitate data entry as it becomes available into the national inventory for peat
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Climate Change
Initial Projected Completion Date