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Project Code [2014-HW-DS-1]
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Project title
Health benefits from biodiversity and green infrastructure
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG)
Lead Applicant
Caitriona Carlin
Project Abstract
The proposed research is primarily desk- based and will be undertaken by a multidisciplinary research team comprising health professionals and environmental scientists. External experts such as Dr Diarmuid Donovan, HSE; Dave Stone, Acting Chief Scientist and specialist in Health from Environment and Conor Kretsch, Secretariat for CoHab, an UN working group on health and biodiversity, led by the World Health Organisation and the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, have agreed to act as consultants for the project and are indicative of the interest in this area. The proposal entails a literature review of heath benefits arising from a high quality and biodiverse environment, an assessment of information in relation to health statistics and biodiversity for future planning, a survey of biodiversity workers for their health and wellbeing (using Q methodology) and backcasting techniques (as devised by EPA Consensus project) to analyse integrated health and biodiversity engagement strategies (SWOT and Cost-Benefit Analysis) with a view to implementation strategies in Ireland. 1 peer reviewed publication, a cross-sectoral strategy report for policy-makers, and a framework for potential implementation by practitioners. In addition there will be a number of summary documents tailored to sectors such as Local Authority planners, Health Promotion professionals etc. An awareness raising guide (including an infographic) for members of the public will be created in colour format and video for EPA You-Tube site. A framework for further research will be outlined, highlighting gaps in our knowledge and priorities for urgent action.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Healthy Environment
Research Theme
Health and well being
Initial Projected Completion Date