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Project Code [2000-DS-2-M1]
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Project title
Inventory for Dioxins and Furans
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
URS Dames & Moore
Lead Applicant
Fergus Hayes
Project Abstract
Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) commonly referred to as i'dioxinsi are compounds which can be emitted from a wide range of combustion sources and industrial activities and may also be found in effluents and in solid waste residues and products. There are approximately 210 dioxin and furan cogeners though only 17 have been identified as posing significant risk to human health. Significant uncertainty still remains with regard to the impact of exposure to dioxin concentrations on humans particularly chronic effects although dioxins have been associated with carcinogenic effects. Up to 90% of the human intake of dioxins and furans is through food consumption. However it is thought that most dioxins and furans enter the food chain from the air.The aim of this study is to identify the principal sources of dioxin emissions to air land and water in Ireland for the year 2000 and to quantify those emissions on the basis of reported information. Industrial and non-industrial sources will be identified. In recent years several countries have developed dioxin emission inventories to assess total emissions to air. To assist other countries in developing emission inventories the United Nations Environment Programme has developed a i'toolkiti which helps generate initial estimates of dioxin emissions to air land and water. Dioxin measurements were not carried out as part of the study and where measured data does not exist emission factors developed from measurements in other countries (included in the toolkit) are used.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Green and Circular Economy
Research Theme
Waste and Resources Management
Initial Projected Completion Date