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Project Search Result

Project Code [2008-S-ET-11]

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Project title

Investigation of energy efficiency in Polymer Processing- Internal recycling of energy

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

University of Dublin, Trinity College (TCD)

Lead Applicant

Garret O'Donnell

Project Abstract

Polymer processing techniques such as blow moulding and injection moulding use significant amounts of heat, chilled air, compressed air, chilled water and electrical energy. There has been little work published on quantifying the energy use in the polymer processing cycle. For example, capturing the heat energy and reusing this energy in other processes or in space heating is an obvious energy saving solution- effectively ?internal recycling?. The goal of this project is to optimise the energy usage in polymer processing by undertaking a systems analysis and developing an energy optimisation methodology/model for the blow moulding process in collaboration with the Mergon company.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Green and Circular Economy

Research Theme

Waste and Resources Management

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
