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Project Search Result
Project Code [2018-W-PhD-12]
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Project title
Macroinvertebrates as a novel biomonitor for nanoparticles in freshwater systems
Primary Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
University College Cork (UCC)
Lead Applicant
Irene O'Callaghan
Project Abstract
This multidisciplinary project will combine Environmental Science and Chemistry in order to study the uptake, storage and toxicity of MNPs in benthic macroinvertebrates, such as Asellus aquaticus, which are widespread, relatively immobile and very tolerant to water pollution. A. aquaticus is known to show bioaccumulation, where the organism traps heavy metals present in the environment, which could be used to improve upon the currently difficult task of detecting MNPs in freshwater systems. The project will evaluate whether aquatic macroinvertebrates can be used as biomonitors, using bioaccumulation or physical responses, such as growth or population inhibition, and will improve understanding of the eventual fate of MNPs in the environment.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Healthy Environment
Research Theme
Safe water
Initial Projected Completion Date