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Project Code [2016-NC-MS-7]
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Project title
Managing invasive alien plants in Ireland
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University College Dublin (UCD)
Lead Applicant
Bruce Osborne
Project Abstract
Invasive alien plants represent a major threat to biodiversity and ecosystems in Ireland, with significant impacts on ecosystem functions and services, and have major financial implications associated with the costs of control measures. The proposed project will produce guidelines for the control of invasive plants that are sustainable and cost-effective, according to the principles recommended by the new EU Regulation on invasive species. We will review the state-of-the-art of research on plant invasions and their relationship to the development of control measures for Ireland. To devise measures that will lead to the sustainable control of invasive plants in Ireland, we will use a combination of methods that account for the characteristics of the invasive species to control, those of the native species in invaded communities, as well as the impacts of invasive plants at the community and ecosystem levels. More specifically, we will use a combination of approaches that have been recently proved to be effective at controlling invasive plants and at ensuring the suppression of invasive plants over time. This apprches have not yet been explored in Ireland or other European countries. This project will provide knowledge on the mechanisms underlying successful plants invasions and of their long-term implications. Expected outputs: . 1 review paper on the state of research on the ecological and environmental impacts of terrestrial plant invasions in Ireland and management measures currently in place in Ireland and Northern Ireland .1 research paper on the ecology and impacts of three major invasive alien plants in Ireland and implications for control and restoration measures . 1 research paper on the mechanisms underlying the invasive success of alien plant species in Ireland and differences in management measures that are necessary to control and eradicate species with different traits with respect to their reproductive biology, phenology and physiology . 4 conference papers, to be presented orally at two national and two international meetings . Organisation of one seminar to be delivered at the UCD School of Biology and Environmental Science at UCD . Organisation of one workshop at AECOM: �Linking research on plant invasions with industry and policy needs� . Practical guidelines for the management of invasive alien plants in Ireland and for the restoration of invaded ecosystems . 1 Job Placement in Cambridge . State of Knowledge . Final report . Summary report, to be included on the EPA website
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Natural capital and ecosystem services including soils and biodiversity
Initial Projected Completion Date