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Project Code [2024-HE-1287]
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Project title
Mitigating the impact of air pollution on health in Ireland through a multi-pronged approach
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Lead Applicant
Debbi Stanistreet
Project Abstract
The World Health Organization has classified air pollution as one of the greatest environmental risks to health. In 2015, air pollution was estimated to be responsible for 19% of all cardiovascular deaths worldwide. Mitigating the impact of air pollution on health is key to protecting and improving global health and substantially reducing the burden of disease. The most common sources of air pollution are particulate matter, mostly from solid fuel use, but also produced by vehicle emissions; and nitrogen dioxide from road transport and industry. The overall aim of this study is to synthesise international evidence on air pollution mitigation and adaptation and to assess local evidence on impacts of air pollution on hospital admissions in order to develop evidence-based cross-sectoral recommendations to improve population health.
The study will comprise three separate research work packages. The first is an international umbrella review to provide a comprehensive overview of the available evidence on the effectiveness of public health interventions in high income countries which are aimed at reducing the impact of air pollution on health. Interventions with an equity-focused lens using the PROGRESS-Plus framework to details how included interventions impact different groups based on Place of residence, Race, Occupation, Gender, Religion, Education, Socioeconomic status, and Social Capital.
The second research Work Package is a time series analysis of the association between adult cardiovascular and respiratory admissions, and daily air pollution levels in Dublin and Cork, and childhood asthma and cardiovascular admissions in Dublin. Air pollution data will be obtained from the EPA real time monitoring system, from 2020 to 2026 and hospital admission data will be obtained from the National Hospital In-Patient Enquiry system. Meteorological conditions will be obtained from Met Èireann and incorporated into the modelling. We will examine the link between different types of air pollution and patterns of admissions due to different conditions among adults and children, and estimate air pollution attributable cases, which will in turn will inform health system need forecasting, as well as the healthcare costs of these cases in terms of bed days. From recent modelling undertaken by UCC, it is also expected that the findings will be generalizable to other towns and cities across Ireland.
The final research Work Package will comprise a mapping of national and local air pollution mitigation and adaptation policies in Dublin and Cork, and also at national level. In addition, findings from the evidence review and the time series analysis, will be synthesised and used to inform the GRADE evidence to Decision making framework, with the support of relevant stakeholders including The Environmental Protection Agency, The Department of Environment Climate and Communications, Dublin City Council, The Department of Health and HSE Public Health. Finally, the completed framework will be used to review current strategies and policies against best evidence, feeding into policy planning on communication of risks and potential adaption and mitigation strategies at individual, community and system levels locally and nationally.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Delivering a Healthy Environment
Research Theme
Further Understanding the Health Impacts of a Changing Environment
Initial Projected Completion Date