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Project Code [2011-B-MS-1]

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Project title

National Framework on Invasive Species Data Management

Primary Funding Agency

Environmental Protection Agency

Co-Funding Organisation(s)


Lead Organisation

National Biodiversity Data Centre

Lead Applicant

Beatrice Kelly

Project Abstract

Invasive alien species are a major environmental issue. They are considered the second greatest threat to biodiversity worldwide after habitat destruction. They can negatively impact on native species, can transform habitats and threaten whole ecosystems causing serious problems to the environment and the economy. Ireland is no different in this respect, and many aspects of Ireland�s biodiversity are currently under threat from the harmful impacts of invasive species. As a significant contribution to addressing the threat posed by invasive alien species, the National Biodiversity Data Centre has worked on the National Invasive Species Database initiative since 2008 providing a national framework for the management and provision of information on invasive species in Ireland. An effective strategy to deal with the problem of invasive species requires the provision of information on the current and potential spread of the key invasive species, a coordinated national network for the dissemination of that information, and the establishment of an early warning system to alert for new arrivals. The importance of the threat of invasive species is reflected in the suite of emerging national policy and legislative drivers, including the Second National Biodiversity Plan and the draft European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats) Regulations. The overall objective is to maintain and further develop the national framework for the management and provision of information on invasive species in Ireland. The project will collate Irish data, assess trends, build cross Agency networks and support policy-makers in mitigating the spread and impact of invasive species. As a result of work done to date by the Data Centre and its partners, Ireland has a good information management infrastructure for invasive species. The challenge now is to ensure that this infrastructure is used to its optimal extent to lessen the threat posed by invasive species.

Grant Approved


Research Hub

Natural Environment

Research Theme

Sectoral Impacts on Biodiversity

Start Date


Initial Projected Completion Date
