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Project Code [2014-CCRP-MS.19]
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Project title
On-Line BioAerosol Sampling (OLBAS)
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University College Cork (UCC)
Lead Applicant
John Sodeau
Project Abstract
OLBAS will initially deliver a comprehensive literature review of sources, removal pathways and concentrations of airborne Primary Biological Aerosol Particle (PBAP) releases with an emphasis on waste-management sites. It will then provide a scientific foundation for assessing the environmental advantages of on-line (real-time) instrumental approaches to the detection of microbes that promote adverse health effects, like Aspergillus fumigatus. The studies will be performed at two composting sites in Ireland, one utilizing biofilter removal technology and the other open windrow. The on-line results will be compared and contrasted to those obtained by traditional techniques and protocols, where available. Also, in order to assess the possibility of developing a national pollen monitoring service in Ireland, the on-line instrumentation will be co-deployed with a Hirst-type/Burkard impaction device at the Met Eireann Valentia Observatory site. Both types of campaign will allow appropriate authorities to draw conclusions on the benefits of providing a PBAP �early warning� system to the general public, particularly those with �at risk� respiratory health issues.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Climate Change
Research Theme
Air science
Initial Projected Completion Date