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Project Code [2020-NC-PhD-11]
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Project title
Pharming of high value metabolites from transplastomic plant cells using bioreactors
Primary Funding Agency
Irish Research Council
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Environmental Protection Agency
Lead Organisation
University College Dublin (UCD)
Lead Applicant
Paul McCabe
Project Abstract
The primary aim of this project is to further the understanding of secondary metabolite pharming in bioreactors. The first goal is to establish cell cultures from transplastomic plants which produce high levels of astaxanthin and select high yielding cell lines. Once established, I will then optimise astaxanthin production in bioreactors. Bioreactor growth conditions will be optimised for cell growth and division, plastid development, heterotrophic growth, and metabolite production. I can then determine optimal light conditions for astaxanthin production. Programmed Cell Death (PCD) rates will also be monitored in bioreactors. The final aim is to create a cannabinoid transplastomic cell line using Nicotiana tabacum.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Natural capital and ecosystem services including soils and biodiversity
Initial Projected Completion Date