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Project Code [2014-W-LS-7]
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Project title
Phosphorus from wastewater: Novel technologies for advanced treatment and re-use
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Queen's University Belfast (QUB)
Lead Applicant
John McGrath
Project Abstract
Phosphorus (P) is a finite, non-renewable commodity which is critical to food production. Europe�s P reserve is minimal and as a P importer Ireland and the wider European Community, which has always regarded itself as a food secure region, now recognizes its high vulnerability to P scarcity: P is one of 20 materials listed within the EU as a �Critical Raw Material'. Paradoxically P removal from wastewater is currently also of international importance. Excess P discharge to the aquatic environment causes eutrophication: Annually eutrophication management costs in the UK and Ireland stand at >�200 million. Wastewater streams offer a compelling opportunity to recover P. Up to 30% of society's P demand could be satisfied by recovering P from domestic waste streams alone. This project will produce a comprehensive review of the current best available technologies for P removal and recovery from waste streams and assess their feasibility for adoption within Ireland. The project will also trial a range of novel P recycling technologies developed within Queen�s University Belfast and NUI-Galway. These potentially offer new and improved methodologies for P recycling and will further strengthen Ireland�s position as a hub for renewable energy generation, resource security, and environmental sustainability. Project outcomes will be disseminated to: 1) Scientific, technical and industrial experts through publication of peer-reviewed papers and Water Association newsletters, conferences and workshop presentations, and via specialist websites such as the European Sustainable Phosphorus (P) Platform, P-Rex, and the US P Sustainability Network; 2) Industry end-users, engineers, policy makers and local authorities through liaison with individual companies and trade associations (the project team has strong industrial links), by hosting a knowledge exchange workshop and producing an infograph entitled �P Challenges and Opportunities�; 3) General public through a website, Facebook page, twitter account and Schools workshop entitled �EXPLORE Phosphorus�.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Innovative water technologies
Initial Projected Completion Date