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Project Code [2000-DS-3-M1]
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Project title
Procedure for the Identification of the Hazardous Components of Waste
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
Clean Technology Centre (CTC)
Lead Applicant
Noel Duffy
Project Abstract
According to the Waste Management Act 1996 waste categorised as hazardous waste must be handled in accordance with certain procedures. In many instances however there can beconsiderable confusion when attempting to determine whether or not a waste is to becategorised as hazardous waste. Holders of waste may apply to have a waste categorised asnon-hazardous waste i- even though the waste may be on the hazardous waste list i- if it doesnot exhibit the properties of a hazardous waste. The Waste Management Act 1996implements appropriate European Union (EU) legislation in particular the Hazardous WasteDirective from 1991 and the associated EU Decisions implementing the European WasteCatalogue (EWC) and the Hazardous Waste List (HWL). Further reference is required to theDangerous Substances Directive and associated test methods. The procedures for determiningif a waste is hazardous waste are often complex and difficult to follow.There is a requirement therefore for a definitive methodology backed by all pertinentinformation which would guide a holder of waste through the categorisation of its waste andwhich could also be used by regulators in making a determination. Irish and EU legislationare decisive but practice in other countries may be informative. Various international andnational regulatory frameworks and practices were reviewed. All the relevant legislation wasgathered and the properties and test methods of the Dangerous Substances Directive and itsamendments were distilled into a usable format.The only effective approach to this project ultimately was the production of a paper-basedtool and a prototype computer-based package which can guide the user through theprocedures. Both tools direct the user to current Irish legislation and also address changes tothe legislation which are due to be implemented on 1 January 2002. The paper-based tool isin the form of a workbook with associated worksheet. Five worked examples are provided toillustrate the use of the paper-based tool. This paper-based tool is available from theEnvironmental Protection Agency.A new waste list (Decision 2000/532/EC as amended by Decision 2001/118/EC and Decision2001/119/EC) will be introduced on 1 January 2002. This legislation will address a numberof the uncertainties of the original hazardous waste list (Decision 94/904/EC) nonethelesssome difficulties remain and are identified. The legislative framework is neither entirelycomprehensive nor sufficiently specific to address all cases. Hence the tools may not beuniversal. These tools interpret current Irish and EU legislation. However their validity isdependent on their being maintained. The tools must be regularly updated to reflect anylegislative advances. This refers not only to the waste legislation but also to the associatedtest methods and the classification of substances. Guidance has been provided on amechanism to maintain the validity of these tools.In examining practice in other EU Member States it was apparent that there is a commondesire among regulatory authorities to address the difficulties which are shared.Consequently there is a need for additional co-operation between EU Member States to shareexperiences and harmonise practices particularly at the level of those responsible for actualclassification of wastes.If there is any doubt regarding classification reference must be made to the appropriateregulatory authority. This is particularly necessary if a suspect waste is to be classified asnon-hazardous waste.
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Green and Circular Economy
Research Theme
Waste and Resources Management
Initial Projected Completion Date