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Project Search Result
Project Code [2015-W-FS-16]
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Project title
SHARE Fellowship on Environmental Flows
Primary Funding Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Co-Funding Organisation(s)
Lead Organisation
University of Birmingham
Lead Applicant
Megan Klaar
Project Abstract
The five environmental regulators covering the UK and Ireland have established a collaborative evidence programme known as �ShARE� � the Shared Agency Regulatory Evidence Programme. The objective is: �To provide the UK and Irish environmental regulators with a flexible framework for collaboration, enabling them to deliver evidence to underpin their activities as environmental regulators, which can be applied across the UK and Ireland, thus deriving maximum benefit from the funding and resources invested.� The Five agencies are currently in the process of developing the ShARE evidence programme for 2015/16, the first year of full operation of the programme. The programme will deliver evidence which is needed by all or most of the five agencies, and will be co-designed between them. The programme development process has so far explored the five ShARE themes and produced a �long list� of potential items. The next stage is to refine and prioritise these items and identify a �short list� of key projects. The short listed projects will be developed further into scoping documents for presentation to the ShARE Board in March. This project is being funded as part of the Programme
Grant Approved
Research Hub
Natural Environment
Research Theme
Understanding, managing and conserving our water resources
Initial Projected Completion Date