EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 11

Advice Note No. 11: Prior Investigations and Technical Assessments, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note provides guidance to Water Servcies Authorities on the steps involved in carrying out a Technical Assessment or Prior Investigation as required under the European Communities (Good Agricultural Practice for Protection of Waters) Regulations S.I. No. 610 of 2010.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 9

Advice Note No. 9: Cryptosporidium Sampling and Monitoring, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note provides guidance to Water Services Authorities on sampling and monitoring for Cryptosporidium. It includes a report on an international review of Cryptosporidium monitoring practices.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 8

Advice Note No. 8: Developing Drinking Water Safety Plans, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note provides guidance to Water Services Authorities on the steps involved in constructing a water safety plan and an outline of what it should contain in the Irish context. It contains guidance on hazard identification, risk assessment and the preparation of action plans for the hazards identified.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 6

Advice Note No. 6 Restoring Public Water Supplies Affected by Flooding, January 2013

Year: 2013

Guidance for Local Authorities on Water Quality checks that should be undertaken as part of the process of restoring public water supplies affected by flooding.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note -Advice Note No. 7

Advice Note No. 7: Source Protection and Catchment Management to Protect Groundwater Sources, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note provides guidance to Water Services Authorities on groundwater protection policies, guidance and related legislation that WSAs should have regard to when developing measures to protect groundwater. It covers the preparation of groundwater protection plans including zones of contribution, source protection zones, groundwater protection zones and setback distances.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 5

Advice Note No. 5: Turbidity in Drinking Water, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note sets out the EPA guidance on the actions that are necessary in water treatment plants where elevated levels of turbidity are detected.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No 4. Version 2

Advice Note No 4. Version 2: Disinfection By-Products in Drinking Water, January 2013

Year: 2013

The purpose of this advice note is to provide guidance to operators to ensure that the levels of disinfection byproducts is kept as low as possible.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 3

Advice Note No. 3: E.coli in Drinking Water, January 2013

Year: 2013

This Advice Note sets out EPA guidance on the actions that are necessary following the detection of E. coli and also the preventative measures that should be taken to improve the security of the supply to prevent a repeat failure in the future. This is provided in the context of the EPA recommended approach to managing a drinking water supply i.e. the Water Safety Plan Approach.

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 2

Advice Note No. 2: Action programmes to restore the quality of drinking water impacted by lead pipes and lead plumbing., January 2013

Year: 2013

The purpose of this guidance circular is to provide information to local authorities on action programmes to restore the quality of drinking water that is impacted by lead pipes and plumbing. A separate guidance circular has been issued covering lead compliance monitoring and surveys (EPA Drinking Water Advice Note No. 1)

EPA Drinking Water Advice Note - Advice Note No. 1

Advice Note No. 1: Lead Compliance Monitoring and Surveys, January 2013

Year: 2013

The purpose of this guidance circular is to provide additional information to local authorities on lead compliance monitoring and surveys. This is done in the context of compliance with the current lead parametric value of 25 μg/l and the parametric value of 10 μg/l, which will be effective from 2013.

Vehicle refinishing records spreadsheet

Year: 2013

A sample records spreadsheet for vehicle refinishing installations to maintain records.

Best Practice Guidelines for Vehicle Refinishing

Year: 2013

This document (Part 1) provides the mandatory requirements for Vehicle Refinishers to operate in accordance with SI199 of 2007 and (Part 2) the excellent practice for operational vehicle refinishing installations.

Records spreadsheet for Dry Cleaners

Year: 2013

Under the Solvents Regulations dry cleaners need to keep records to show how they perform against the emission limit value of 20 g solvent emitted per kg of product dry cleaned. This Records Spreadsheet aims to assist dry cleaners with such record keeping.

Guidance Note on Landfill Flare and Engine Management and Monitoring (AG7)

Guidance Note AG7, January 2013

Year: 2013

Landfill Flare and Engine Management and Monitoring (AG7)

Municipal Solid Waste - Pre-treatment & Residuals Management - An EPA Technical Guidance document

Year: 2013

The purpose of this document is to set out the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard for minimum acceptable pre-treatment for Municipal Solid Waste accepted for landfilling or incineration at EPA licensed waste facilities.

Protocol for the Evaluation of Biodegradable Municipal Waste sent to Landfill

Year: 2013

This protocol has been developed to provide guidance on how to determine the amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) that is sent to landfill. It facilitates Ireland's obligations in determining compliance with BMW diversion targets that are set in the Landfill directive (1999/31/EC).

Code of Practice: Environmental Risk Assessment for Unregulated Waste Disposal Sites

Code of Practice to ensure a consistent approach by local authorities to deal with unregulated historic disposal sites., January 2013

Year: 2013

The Code of Practice has been produced to ensure a consistent approach to environmental risk assessment by local authorities when assessing the environmental impact and remediation options for historic unregulated waste disposal sites. It also provides guidance on how to deal with illegal landfills that have come into being since the introduction of the waste licensing regime.

Guidance Note on Investigations for Landfills

Year: 2013

This manual describes the sequence and extent of investigations required to progress the selection, construction and operation of a landfill site. It also outlines the procedures to be adopted in the investigation of existing landfill sites, such investigations being required to complete a site conditioning, closure or aftercare plan.

Landfill Manual - Guidance note of Landfill Operational Practices

Year: 2013

The objective of this manual is to contribute to the improved management of existing biodegradable landfill sites, whilst providing guidance on how new sites are to be operated. The manual should thus be seen as contributing to the process of improving national landfill standards which will accelerate with the implementation of the Waste Management Act.

Landfill Manual - Guidance note of Landfill Restoration

Year: 2013

This document gives guidance on all aspects of landfill restoration. The manual sets down the requirements for successful restoration to afteruses such as nature conservation and amenity, woodland, agriculture and hard end uses such as built structures and car parks.