Year: 2016
These documents outline the decision made by the Environmental Protection Agency in relation to an Appeal regarding a decision made by Galway County Council (ref. AP11/14) to grant a licence under the Air Pollution Act 1987, as amended, to Mortimor Quarries for atmospheric emissions at a site located at Belclare, Tuam, Co. Galway.
Year: 2015
"This guidance document summarises the key requirements and obligations specified in the F-gas Regulations for garages that recover F-gas from MACs of road vehicles and in particular: • Garages/companies and personnel involved in servicing and repairing MACs. • Garages/companies and personnel involved in vehicle dismantling."
Year: 2015
This guidance document summarises the key requirements specified in the F-Gas Regulations regarding the phase-down of HFC’s placed on the EU market.
Year: 2015
This guidance note provides an overview of the some of the key obligations for operators of equipment as laid down in the F-gas Regulation (EU No 517/2014) and the ODS Regulation (EC No 1005/2009).
Year: 2015
A summary of requirements specified in the F-Gas Regulations relating to leak checking equipment containing F-Gases are outlined in this document.
A Guidance Note for Contractors working with Fire Protection Equipment, July 2015
Year: 2015
This Guidance Note is aimed at assisting contractors working on fire protection equipment containing Fluorinated Greenhouse gases (F-gases) or Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) to comply with the relevant legislation in the Republic of Ireland.
A Guidance Note for Operators of Equipment Containing F-gases and ODS, July 2015
Year: 2015
This Guidance Note is published by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and is aimed at assisting operators of equipment containing Fluorinated Greenhouse gases (F-gases) and/or Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) to comply with the relevant European Regulations in the Republic of Ireland.
A Guidance Note for Contractors of Equipment Containing F-gas and ODS (July 2015) , July 2015
Year: 2015
This guidance is primarily aimed at contractors and in-house technical personnel dealing with equipment containing ODS and/or F-gas, and to a smaller degree at the operators of such equipment. Operators may require and request guidance from contractors regarding their obligations under the ODS and F-gas Regulations. Therefore, operator obligations are also included in this Guidance Note.
Report for the period January 2011 to December 2013, November 2014
Year: 2014
This report details Ireland’s responses to the questions contained in the European Commission’s questionnaire on the implementation of Directive 1999/13/EC as set out in Commission Decision 2010/681/EC for the reporting period 1st January 2011 – 31st December 2013. This is the 4th report on the implementation of the Directive.
Air Quality Assessment for the Oxigen Fire Incident, April 2014
Year: 2014
Fire at Oxigen Environmental Waste Facility, Merrywell Industrial Estate, Ballymount Road Lower, Dublin 22, Waste Licence W0208-02 Incident Update April 7th 2014: Air quality impact The EPA has assessed the impacts on air quality of the fire which occurred at the Oxigen Environmental facility in Ballymount over the period Saturday, January 25th to Wednesday, January 29th 2014.
Year: 2013
Best Practice Guidelines for Dry Cleaning Issued to support European Union (Installations and Activities using Solvents) Regulations 2012 (S.I. 565 of 2012)
Version 1, January 2013
Year: 2013
This guidance note is intended for use by holders of EPA licences (licensees) and consultants. The Agency advises licensees to have regard to this guidance when undertaking or outsourcing any work relating to VOC emissions from landfill surfaces.
Year: 2013
A sample records spreadsheet for vehicle refinishing installations to maintain records.
Year: 2013
This document (Part 1) provides the mandatory requirements for Vehicle Refinishers to operate in accordance with SI199 of 2007 and (Part 2) the excellent practice for operational vehicle refinishing installations.
Year: 2013
Under the Solvents Regulations dry cleaners need to keep records to show how they perform against the emission limit value of 20 g solvent emitted per kg of product dry cleaned. This Records Spreadsheet aims to assist dry cleaners with such record keeping.
Guidance Note AG7, January 2013
Year: 2013
Landfill Flare and Engine Management and Monitoring (AG7)