Latest Air Guidance Notes

in: Air
EPA Publication Cover

Air Emissions Guidance Note on CEMS maintenance and operation requirements (AG13)

Year: 2021

This Air Guidance Note on the use of continuous emission monitors in processes not requiring the use of EN 14181 is one of a series of guidance notes that the OEE has published on the general theme of air pollution monitoring.

EPA Publication Cover

Odour Impact Assessment Guidance for EPA Licensed Sites (AG5)

Version 3, December 2021

Year: 2021

This guidance note is intended for use by holders of EPA licences (licensees), and consultants. The Agency advises licensees to have regard to this guidance when outsourcing any work relating to odour monitoring, in particular field assessments of odour impact.

EPA Publication Cover

AG2 Index of Preferred Methods

Version 4, May 2021

Year: 2021

The Index is designed to guide all test houses / operators on which methods to select when carrying out air emissions testing for compliance purposes.

EPA Publication Cover

Air Emissions Monitoring Guidance Note (AG2)

Version 7, May 2021

Year: 2021

This guidance note (AG2) provides information on the subject of air emission monitoring at EPA licenced sites.

EPA Publication Cover

Air Guidance Note on the Implementation of I.S. EN 14181 (AG3)

Version 4, March 2021

Year: 2021

This Air Guidance Note on the Implementation of I.S. EN 14181 (AG3) is one of a series of guidance notes that the OEE has produced on the general theme of air pollution monitoring.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance Note on monitoring of Stack Gas Emissions from Medium Combustion Plants: Air Guidance No. 11 (AG11)

Year: 2021

This guidance note has been produced to provide a standardised approach to monitoring stack gas emissions from plants regulated under the Medium Combustion Plant Directive (MCPD).

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance Note on EPA requirements for Alternative Monitoring when Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems are off-line (AG12)

Version 1, August 2020

Year: 2020

This guidance aims to clarify the alternative monitoring options, which should be considered by licensees, when automatic monitors for air emissions are not operational, and the licensee proposes to continue operations at the site, which will lead to emissions to atmosphere, via the relevant emission points.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance Note on EPA requirements for calculation of flue gas volume flow rate from energy consumption using Annex E of ISO EN 16911-1 (AG10)

Version 1, May 2020

Year: 2020

The EPA has provided this guidance for organisations to reference when calculating flue gas volume flow rate from energy consumption. This guidance is aimed at organisations in the large combustion plant and waste incineration sectors, which are licensed by the EPA.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance Note on Site Safety Requirements for Air Emissions Monitoring (AG1)

Version 4, February 2020

Year: 2020

This guidance note describes the facilities and work practices that must be in place for the safe and effective monitoring of air emissions.

EPA Publication Cover

EPA Air Dispersion Modelling Guidance Note (AG4) 2020

Year: 2020

This guidance note seeks to present general principles and suitable methods that may be used to assess and report on the impact of air emissions from EPA licensed industrial installations. The original version of this guidance note was published by the EPA in 2010. This document is a revision of that original that has been prepared to reflect the changes in regulatory and modelling practices that have occurred in the interim. The document is aimed at practitioners, and as such, assumes a general understanding of the theory of air dispersion modelling and the tools available to undertake an assessment.

EPA Publication Cover

Odour Emissions Guidance Note (Air Guidance Note AG9)

Version 1, September 2019

Year: 2019

Odour Emissions Guidance Note aims to provide clear and robust methodologies for industrial and waste facilities in terms of odour abatement solutions that can be implemented to reduce or eliminate odour.

EPA Publication Cover

Air Guidance note for in-house monitoring teams (AG8)

Version 2, May 2019

Year: 2019

This Air Guidance Note (AG8) is intended to assist in house air monitoring teams to develop a Quality Management System (QMS) modelled on ISO 17025 that should meet the Agency’s minimum requirements for in-house air monitoring.

EPA Publication Cover

Air Guidance Note - Surface VOC Emissions Monitoring on Landfill Facilities (AG6)

Version 1, January 2013

Year: 2013

This guidance note is intended for use by holders of EPA licences (licensees) and consultants. The Agency advises licensees to have regard to this guidance when undertaking or outsourcing any work relating to VOC emissions from landfill surfaces.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance Note on Landfill Flare and Engine Management and Monitoring (AG7)

Guidance Note AG7, January 2013

Year: 2013

Landfill Flare and Engine Management and Monitoring (AG7)