Latest Climate Change Publications

in: Climate Change
EPA Publication Cover

Movement of Fgas & ODS Refrigerants Into and Out of Ireland (EPA, June 2021)

Year: 2021

This briefing note is designed to give an overview of requirements around the movement of refrigerants, including waste refrigerants, into and out of Ireland following Brexit.

EPA Publication Cover

Protect-your-business-Buy-refrigerants-from-safe-sources (2019)

Year: 2019

This leaflet, produced by representative bodies AREA, ASERCOM, EFCTC and EPEE, outlines how you can protect your business by buying refrigerants from safe sources.

EPA Publication Cover

What to expect from an EPA halon critical use survey verification visit (2019)

Year: 2019

This short guide provides a brief summary of what to expect if your business/premises is selected for an inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (F-gas) Regulations. It will inform you of: what is being inspected; what the EPA will look at during the inspection; why you are being inspected; how to prepare for an inspection.

EPA Publication Cover

What to Expect from an EPA Inspection - A Guide for Contractors

A Guide for contractors, July 2018

Year: 2018

This short guide provides a brief summary of what to expect if your business/premises is selected for an inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (F-gas) Regulations. It will inform you of: what is being inspected; what the EPA will look at during the inspection; why you are being inspected; how to prepare for an inspection.

EPA Publication Cover

What to expect from an EPA inspection – a guide for sellers of refrigerant gases (2018)

Year: 2018

This short guide provides a brief summary of what to expect if your business/premises is selected for an inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (F-gas) Regulations. It will inform you of: what is being inspected; what the EPA will look at during the inspection; why you are being inspected; how to prepare for an inspection.

EPA Publication Cover

What to expect from an EPA inspection - a guide for End Users & Operators (2018)

Year: 2018

This short guide provides a brief summary of what to expect if your business/premises is selected for an inspection by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas (F-gas) Regulations. It will inform you of: what is being inspected; what the EPA will look at during the inspection; why you are being inspected; how to prepare for an inspection.

EPA Publication Cover

Ireland needs to modify how it meets its Cooling Needs – progressive and significant changes in refrigerant gas supply

Year: 2018

The EPA has published a position paper on Ireland's progress to achieve the F-Gas hydroflurocarbon (HFC) phase down which includes a survey of Irish refrigerant purchases during 2015

EPA Publication Cover

The EU Quota System – How it works and why you need to switch Arno_Kaschl_DG_Clima

Year: 2017

This presentation, The EU Quota System – How it works and why you need to switch, was made at a workshop on 4th December 2017 organised by the EPA and DCCAE on issues arising from the HFC phase-down under EU No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases.

EPA Publication Cover

EPEE_Gapometer_Andrea Voigt

Year: 2017

This presentation, EPEE Gapometer: Achieving the HFC Phase-Down in Europe, was made at a workshop on 4th December 2017 organised by the EPA and DCCAE on issues arising from the HFC phase-down under EU No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases.

EPA Publication Cover


Year: 2017

"This presentation, Market feedback and challenges, was made at a workshop on 4th December 2017 organised by the EPA and DCCAE on issues arising from the HFC phase-down under EU No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases. This presentation covered the following topics:  Price of refrigerants  Supply of product  Alternative Refrigerants  HFC Phase Down  Training, Equipment and safety"

EPA Publication Cover

Equipment Inventory Record Form for End Users (EPA, October 2017)

Year: 2017

"The EPA recommends that an inventory is maintained for all equipment which is charged with either F-gases or with ODS gases in order to provide for effective management of this equipment under the F-Gas and ODS Regulations. This Inventory Record Form for End Users .xlxs maybe used as the basis for this inventory. The inventory should be mainatined by operators of the equipment. Equipment typically charged with either F-gases or with ODS gases includes refrigerators, freezers, chillers and air conditioning equipment. "

EPA Publication Cover

HFC_Phase_Down_Ireland Eamonn Merriman EPA

Year: 2017

"This presentation, HFC Phase Down - The State of Play in Ireland, was made at a workshop on 4th December 2017 organised by the EPA and DCCAE on issues arising from the HFC phase-down under Regulation EU No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases. This presentation covered the following topics:  Why are F Gases regulated  Who regulates F Gases in Ireland  Findings of 2015 Bulk Refrigerant Gas Survey  Key Recommendations  Useful guidance and case studies"

EPA Publication Cover

Presentation by the Department of Communications, Climate Action & Environment Re: the import of pre-charged equipment containing F-Gases

Year: 2017

This guidance refers to some of the requirements, under the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases (the F-gas Regulation), for companies which import equipment (including products) containing the gases listed in Annexes I and II to the F-gas Regulation (sometimes referred to as pre-charged equipment).

EPA Publication Cover

Information for importers of equipment containing fluorinated greenhouse gases on their obligations under the EU F-gas Regulation, European Commission, V2.2, 2

Year: 2017

This guidance focuses, in particular, on obligations under the HFC quota system related to imports of RAC equipment (refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pump equipment) pre-charged with HFCs (F-gas Regulation Article 14).

EPA Publication Cover

European Union Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regs 2016 S.I. No. 658 of 2016

Year: 2017

Irish Regulations to give further effect to certain elements of the European Regulation on fluorinated greenhouse gases EU No. 517/2014.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidance for Farmers on Refrigerant Gas Use in Milk Coolers

Year: 2016

Dairy farmers rely on cooling equipment for milk storage. Certain refrigerant gases have been or are being phased out of use by the Ozone Depleting Substances and Fluorinated Greenhouse Gas Regulations & are being replaced with less damaging gases. This brief guide aims to help farmers ensure they are ready for the future & compliant with requirements of the regulations.

EPA Publication Cover

PAN Register Summary 2016

Year: 2016

Prior annual notifications received and acknowledged by the EPA up to 28th September 2016.

EPA Publication Cover

1 IRL Summary Guidance to Compliance with the ODS and F-gas Regulations

Summary Guidance for Compliance with the ODS and F-Gas Regulations, October 2015

Year: 2015

Summary Guidance for Compliance with the ODS and F-Gas Regulations.

EPA Publication Cover

9 IRL Summary Guidance Operators of Equipment Containing SF6 and PFCs

Summary Guidance for Operators of Equipment Containing SF6 and Equipment Containing PFCs, October 2015

Year: 2015

This guidance note gives the key obligations laid down in the F-gas Regulation (EU No 517/2014) for operators of equipment containing SF6 or PFCs which are Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases (F-gases).

EPA Publication Cover

8 IRL Summary Guidance for Refrigerated Trucks and Trailers V1.0

8 IRL Summary Guidance for Refrigerated Trucks and Trailers V1.0, October 2015

Year: 2015

This guidance note gives the key obligations laid down in the new F-gas Regulation (EU No 517/2014) and the ODS Regulation (EC No 1005/2009) for operators of refrigerated trucks and trailers.
