Latest Climate Change Publications

in: Climate Change
EPA Publication Cover

EPA Enforcement of ODS and F-gas Regulations

Year: 2014

EPA Enforcement of ODS and F-gas Regulations, presented at the Information Seminar on the new F-gas Regulation hosted by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government on Friday 13th June 2014.

EPA Publication Cover

Irish Industry Perspective on the New F-gas Regulation

Year: 2014

Irish Industry Perspective on the New F-gas Regulation, presented at the Information Seminar hosted by the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government

EPA Publication Cover

Regulation (EC) No. 517 of 2014 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases

Year: 2014

European Regulation controlling fluorinated greenhouse gases. The objective of this Regulation is to protect the environment by reducing emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases.

EPA Publication Cover

Regulation (EU) No. 517 of 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases

Repealing Regulation (EC) No. 842 of 2006, May 2014

Year: 2014

The objective of this Regulation is to protect the environment by reducing emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases.

EPA Publication Cover

Management of Waste Refrigerant Gases - EPA position Paper, November 2009

Year: 2009

The current views of the Agency in relation to the management of waste refrigerant gases, and in particular R22 and other HCFC refrigerants, are outlined in this document. While this document relates mainly to the management of waste ODS, similar rules apply to the management of waste F-gases.
