Ireland needs to modify how it meets its Cooling Needs – progressive and significant changes in refrigerant gas supply

Summary: The EPA has published a position paper on Ireland's progress to achieve the F-Gas hydroflurocarbon (HFC) phase down which includes a survey of Irish refrigerant purchases during 2015

Published: 2018

Pages: 6

Filesize: 606 KB

Format: pdf


In Ireland, the operation and maintenance of refrigeration, air conditioning, heat pump and fire suppressant equipment is heavily reliant on a category of fluorinated greenhouse gases (F-gases) known as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs).  Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases aims to cut F-gas emissions by two-thirds by 2030 through several measures including a phase down of HFC use. This will require the transition to equipment which relies on either less damaging HFCs or non-fluorinated gases. This paper aims to summarise Ireland’s progress towards the HFC phase down and to highlight potential issues around continued operation of critical equipment. An analysis of refrigerant gas sales in Ireland during 2015 is presented.