National Inspection Plan - Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems 2013 - An Interim Review

Summary: The purpose of this interim review is to assess the progress made by Local Authorities in implementing the Plan during the first eight months of the first cycle of the Plan, i.e. the period from 1st July 2013 to 28th February 2014. This is an interim review and there is another four months to go in this first cycle, ending on June 30th 2014. The EPA will undertake a full review following completion of the first cycle of the Plan.

Thumbnail of NIP interim review

Published: 2014

ISBN: 978-1-84095-540-8

Pages: 19

Filesize: 1,111 KB

Format: pdf


Data tables in the National Inspection Plan  - Domestic Waste Water Treatment Systems 2013 - Interim Review