Year: 2014
The purpose of this questionnaire is to determine whether there is potentially PCB-contaminated equipment on your organisation’s site about which the EPA must be notified
Year: 2013
In recent years, some serious fires have taken place at waste transfer stations (WTS). Fires at WTS have the potential to be very serious events, posing risk to life and presenting hazards to the local community and the environment. They can also be very costly. The growing incidence of fires has prompted the development of Guidance on Fire Safety at Non Hazardous Waste Transfer Stations.
Year: 2013
The EPA has published guidance the Regulation and Management of Waste Wood.
Year: 2013
Contaminated land guidance and a series of guideline template reports have been produced. The guideline templates should be used by all licensees when submitting reports to the EPA. A guideline template report for Groundwater Monitoring has also been developed and is available below. This report will often be needed in parallel with other Stages 1–3 process deliverables.
Year: 2013
This financial model is to be used by landfill operators for determining and reporting compliance with Section 53A of the Waste Management Act 1996 as amended.
Year: 2013
Registered User Guidance Manual for PCB Online Submissions
Year: 2013
Guidance Manual for First Time Users of the Online Notification System
Year: 2013
This information leaflet will supplement the EPA inventory survey form. The leaflet describes PCBs (Polychlorinated Biphenyls) and the equipment in which they may be contained.
S.I. No. 283 of 2014, January 2013
Year: 2013
Irish Regulations transposing EU Directive (2006/66/EC) on waste batteries and accumulators.
Year: 2013
Irish Regulations covering the recovery of waste batteries and accumulators
Year: 2013
The purpose of this document is to set out the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard for minimum acceptable pre-treatment for Municipal Solid Waste accepted for landfilling or incineration at EPA licensed waste facilities.
Year: 2013
This protocol has been developed to provide guidance on how to determine the amount of biodegradable municipal waste (BMW) in municipal solid waste (MSW) that is sent to landfill. It facilitates Ireland's obligations in determining compliance with BMW diversion targets that are set in the Landfill directive (1999/31/EC).
Code of Practice to ensure a consistent approach by local authorities to deal with unregulated historic disposal sites., January 2013
Year: 2013
The Code of Practice has been produced to ensure a consistent approach to environmental risk assessment by local authorities when assessing the environmental impact and remediation options for historic unregulated waste disposal sites. It also provides guidance on how to deal with illegal landfills that have come into being since the introduction of the waste licensing regime.
Year: 2013
This manual describes the sequence and extent of investigations required to progress the selection, construction and operation of a landfill site. It also outlines the procedures to be adopted in the investigation of existing landfill sites, such investigations being required to complete a site conditioning, closure or aftercare plan.
Year: 2013
The objective of this manual is to contribute to the improved management of existing biodegradable landfill sites, whilst providing guidance on how new sites are to be operated. The manual should thus be seen as contributing to the process of improving national landfill standards which will accelerate with the implementation of the Waste Management Act.
Year: 2013
This document gives guidance on all aspects of landfill restoration. The manual sets down the requirements for successful restoration to afteruses such as nature conservation and amenity, woodland, agriculture and hard end uses such as built structures and car parks.
Year: 2013
This manual provides guidance on the design and implementation of a monitoring programme in order to accurately assess the impact of a landfill on the surrounding environment and is intended for use by those involved in monitoring landfills
Year: 2013
This document provides two detailed checklists for local authorities in their determination of the status of a waste disposal site. It includes information on the location of the site, the type of waste it contains and whether the site remains active
Waste Sites Code Of Practice, January 2013
Year: 2013
This document is a guide designed to remedy an European Court of Justice finding that Ireland was in contravention of European directives on the mandatory issue of permits for municipal landfills. It is part of the response by the Irish government to the court ruling to demonstrate that the necessary measures are now being taken in Ireland, in terms of the structures, legislation and policy approach.
Response Matrix For Landfills , January 2013
Year: 2013
This is a summary of the requirements as set out in the Groundwater Protection Response for the selection of Landfills