Summary: This Good Practice Guide provides guidance for the safe and environmentally friendly recovery of empty plant protection product and dairy hygiene containers. Only triple rinsed empty pesticide containers, managed in accordance with this Guide can be classified as non-hazardous waste.
Farmers in Ireland generally use pesticides in the form of herbicides, insecticides and fungicides as part of their farming activities on crops and grassland and disinfectant dairy hygiene products on their dairy herd. Empty pesticide and dairy hygiene containers are potentially hazardous wastes if not managed appropriately and can represent a management challenge for many farming enterprises. To assist farmers in managing this waste, national agencies have collaborated in producing support guidance for farmers on how to manage these empty containers. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Teagasc and the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) have jointly prepared and published this Triple Rinse Guide for Empty Pesticide and Dairy Hygiene Containers.