Year: 2025
Public consultation on the proposed methodology to assess the impact of abstractions on waterbodies and identify significant abstractions in Ireland.
Year: 2023
DRAFT National End-of-Waste Decision EoW-N001/2023 of 31 January 2023 establishing criteria determining when recycled aggregate ceases to be waste under Regulation 27 of the European Union (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011 – 2022
Year: 2023
The Environmental Protection Agency is in the process of developing a new Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2026., February 2022
Year: 2022
This consultation has now closed. In developing the draft Strategic Plan we have reviewed our purpose, vision and values and identified the key strategic outcomes we want to achieve to ensure we deliver on our purpose and vision. While we will continue to deliver a wide range of functions across all aspects of environmental protection, we have identified a number of specific priorities which we aim to achieve by 2026.
Year: 2021
This consultation closed on Tuesday 2nd November 2021
Draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021-2027, Strategic Environmental Assessment and Natura Impact Statement for Public Consultation, July 2021
Year: 2021
Submissions are invited on the draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan 2021-2027 and the supporting Strategic Environmental Assessment and Natura Impact Statement. Written submissions or observations can be made by email by 5pm on 17 September to The Environmental Protection Agency has prepared a draft National Hazardous Waste Management Plan (NWHMP) for the period 2021 to 2027. This is the fourth National Hazardous Waste Management Plan and is made under Section 26 of the Waste Management Act 1996. It sets out the priorities to be pursued over the next six years and beyond to improve the prevention and management of hazardous waste, taking into account the progress made since the previous revised plan, and the waste policy and legislative changes that have occurred since the previous revised plan was published. The purpose of this plan is to protect the environment and human health in Ireland through best-practice management of hazardous wastes.
Proposal to replace the National Waste Prevention Programme, March 2021
Year: 2021
In line with the measures proposed in the Waste Action Plan, the EPA is building on fifteen years of leadership on waste prevention to develop a national Circular Economy Programme. The draft programme is now open for consultation to seek views from stakeholders. It is available to download here, and submissions are invited through an online form – see link below.
Year: 2020
A Guide to by-products & submitting a by-product notification under Article 27 of the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations (S.I. No. 126 of 2011)
Consultation Response (End of Waste), June 2020
Year: 2020
Consultation Response (End of Waste)
Preparing an End of Waste Application, June 2020
Year: 2020
Preparing an End of Waste Application