Latest Submissions and Position Papers

in: Corporate

EPA Submission on the draft Dublin Port Masterplan Review 2018

Year: 2018

This is our submission on the Draft Dublin Port Masterplan review 2018 and the associated SEA Environmental Report. It was issued on the 31st May 2018.

EPA submission on SEA scoping for the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Northern and Western Region

Year: 2018

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (the RSES) for the Northern and Western Region and the associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) scoping process which issued in February 2018.

EPA submission on the SEA Scoping for the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region

Year: 2018

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) scoping for the Regional and Spatial Economic Strategy (RSES) for the Southern Region and the associated Issues Paper consultation document which issued in February 2018.

EPA submission on the South Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2018

This is the submission made by the EPA on the South Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report which was made in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA Submission to Consultation on National Policy Statement on the Bioeconomy

Year: 2017

This is the response from the EPA to the Department of the Taoiseach consultation on the development of a national policy statement for the bioeconomy.

EPA submission on Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2018-2021)

Year: 2017

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Draft River Basin Management Plan for Ireland (2018-2021) and the associated SEA Environmental Report which issued on 31st August 2017.

EPA Scoping Submission on Irish Water's National Water Resources Plan

Year: 2017

This is our submission on Irish Water's National Water Resources Plan during the SEA Scoping stage. It was issued on the 21st December 2017.

EPA submission on the Draft National Mitigation Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2017

This submission made on the 26th April 2017 represents the EPA's recommendations to be considered in the preparation of the Draft National Mitigation Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report.

EPA Submission on the National Planning Framework Our Plan - Issues and Choices and SEA Scoping of Ireland 2040

Year: 2017

This submission made on the 31st March 2017 represents the EPA's recommendations to be considered in the preparation of the National Planning Framework Our Plan - Issues and Choices and SEA Scoping of Ireland 2040.

EPA submission on SEA Scoping for 5-Year Strategy for Fáilte Ireland 2018-2022

Year: 2017

This is the submission made by the EPA on SEA Scoping for the proposed 5-Year Strategy for Fáilte Ireland to support the development of Tourism in Ireland from 2018 to 2022 which issued in December 2017.

EPA submission on the Draft National Planning Framework (NPF) and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2017

This submission was made by the EPA on the Draft National Planning Framework - Ireland 2040 Our Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report. This submission was made in November 2017 to the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, Ireland.

EPA submission on the Draft 4th Nitrates Action Programme (NAP)

Year: 2017

This submission was made by the EPA on the Draft 4th Nitrates Action Programme (NAP) and associated SEA Environmental Report. It was submitted in November 2017 to the Department of Housing, Planning & Local Government.

EPA submission on the Draft National Adaptation Framework (NAF)

Year: 2017

This is the EPA's comments and observations on the draft National Adaptation Framework (NAF) which provides the framework for actions to manage the consequences of climate change. This submission was issued to the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment in October 2017.

EPA Submission on Water Framework Directive RBMP- SEA Scoping

Year: 2016

This submission made on the 10th October 2016 represents the EPA's recommendations in relation to the Water Framework Directive River Basin Management Plan SEA Scoping.

EPA Submission on the Draft National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland

Year: 2016

This submission, made on the 21st November 2016, represents the Environmental Protection Agency's recommendations to be considered in the preparation of the National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure for Transport in Ireland and associated SEA Environmental Report

EPA Submission on Irish Water Draft National Waste Water Sludge Management Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the submission made by the EPA on Irish Water's Draft National Waste Water Sludge Management Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report, which was issued in May 2016.

EPA submission to Exporting A Resource Opportunity consultation

Year: 2016

In early 2016, the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government invited comments from interested parties on the discussion paper ‘Exporting a Resource Opportunity? Measures to Maximize Resource Efficiency and Jobs in Ireland’. This document is the EPA response to the consultation.

EPA submission on the Suir Draft Flood Risk Management Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the EPA submission on the Suir Draft Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report which was made in December 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA submission on the Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the submission made by the EPA on the Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports in December 2016 to the Office of Public Works.

EPA submission on the Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Report

Year: 2016

This is the EPA submission on the Western CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports which was made in November 2016 to the Office of Public Works.
