Year: 2016
This is the EPA submission on the North Western – Neagh Bann CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports made in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.
Year: 2016
This is the submission made by the EPA on the South Eastern CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports, which was made in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.
Year: 2016
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Shannon CFRAM Draft Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMP) and associated SEA Environmental Report. It was submitted in October 2016 to the Office of Public Works.
Year: 2015
The EPA's initial consultation comments on the Proposed FoodWise 2025 Strategy, as issued in January 2015.
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Draft Food Wise 2025 Strategy and associated SEA Environmental Report in August 2015. Note: The submission comprised two pdf files, the first covers the EPA's overall comments and recommendations, while the second includes specific comments on various chapters of the Strategy and SEA ER. These two files have been collated into one pdf file for the purposes of uploading to the website.
Year: 2015
The Agency's Submission on Community Development 2015
This is the submission made by the Agency on Irish Water's Draft Water Services Plan, May 2015
Year: 2015
EPA Submission on Irish Water's Draft Water Services Strategic Plan
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA in April 2015 on the Draft Seafood Development Programme and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the Agency to the public consultation on the Draft Regional Waste Management Plans
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Greater Dublin Area Draft Transport Strategy and associated SEA Environmental Report in November 2015.
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA in June 2015 on the Draft Plan for Issue of Petroleum Exploration and Production Authorisations in Irish Offshore Waters during the period 2015-2020 (IOSEA5) and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2015
This is a submission (preliminary initial observations) made by the EPA on the Failte Ireland's Wild Atlantic Way Draft Operational Programme and associated SEA Environmental Report in April 2015.
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA in April 2015 on Irish Water's Draft Water Services Strategic Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report .
Year: 2015
This is the submission made by the EPA on the Draft Regional Waste Management Plans and associated SEA Environmental Reports which issued in September 2015.
Year: 2015
The Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources is preparing a National Bioenergy Plan for Ireland, to sustainably develop our national bioenergy resource. This submission, made on the 5th November 2015, represents the Environmental Protection Agency's recommendations to be considered in the preparation of the Plan and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2014
This is the Agency's submission on the Draft National Forestry Programme and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2014
This is the submission made by the Agency on the Draft Rural Development Programme and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2014
This submission represents the views of the EPA on the Draft National Landscape Strategy 2014.
Year: 2014
The EPA's submission on the Draft National Peatlands Strategy and associated SEA Environmental Report.
Year: 2014
EPA submission to the DOEGL in relation to Corporate Governance aspects of the Producer Responsibility Initiative review