EPA submission: the Sustainable Tourism Policy (EPA ref: EPAC-2822)

Summary: EPA submission in response to the initial consultation by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Arts, Gaeltacht, Sport and Media on a Sustainable Tourism Policy. In its submission, the EPA welcomes the opportunity for Ireland, through the Policy, to continue to move towards a more environmentally sustainable tourism sector. It emphasises the importance of the new Policy aligning with and supporting the delivery of Ireland’s existing national commitments regarding environmental protection, as set out in plans and programmes such as the National Planning Framework and the Climate Action Plan 2021. The EPA states that it is important to ensure that environmental protection is prioritised in all aspects of the development of this new tourism policy. The provision of adequate critical infrastructure, promotion of a circular economy and support towards achieving the 2050 Climate Neutrality goal should all be central to the development of the new policy.

Published: 2023

Pages: 3

Filesize: 141 KB

Format: pdf
