Year: 2020
Procedure for submitting Confidential Information for Deliberate Release applications
Year: 2020
Guidance for Industrial Emissions licence applicants re newspaper notices
Year: 2020
A site notice for the application to the EPA for a Licence / Application
Year: 2020
A Guide to by-products and submitting a by-product notification under Article 27 of the European Communities (Waste Directive) Regulations 2011 (S.I. No. 126 of 2011.
Year: 2020
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.
Year: 2020
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.
Year: 2020
Guidance Note on BAT Conclusions for Intensive Rearing of Poultry or Pigs
Year: 2020
Guidance Note on vertical BREF which addresses activities for the slaughter of animals and activities for the disposal or recycling of animal carcases and animal waste
Year: 2020
Guidance Note on horizontal BREF which addresses Industrial Cooling Systems across a range of industries
Year: 2020
Guidance Note on vertical BREF which addresses activities for the treatments and processes intended for the manufacture of food products
Year: 2020
This form is to be used by a Local Authority to notify the EPA of an event under Regulation 11(3) or 12(6) of the Waste Management (Management if Waste from the Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009.
Year: 2020
An extract from the minutes of the EPA Board Meeting of 13 March 2020
Year: 2020
The GMO Register Entry provides significant details of the clinical trial.
Year: 2020
All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA inspector in her report to the Board of the Agency.
Year: 2020
G0726-01 Consent conditions issued to Wellcome-HRB Clinical Research facility, St James's Hospital, James's Street, Dublin 8 and Children's Health Ireland, Temple Street, Dublin 1 on 13 March 2020 for the deliberate release of a GMO at Wellcome-HRB Clinical Research Facility, St James's Hospital.
Year: 2020
A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.
Year: 2020
Newspaper advertisement in accordance with Article 15 of the GMO (Deliberate Release) Regulations S.I. No 500 of 2003, informing members of the public of the proposed deliberate release and inviting representations.
Year: 2020
This SNIF (SNIF Notification No: B/IE/20/01) will be added to a publicly available EU Register.
Year: 2020
This information note outlines the procedure involved in making a representation to the EPA in respect of this proposed deliberate release, GMO Register No: G0726-01; SNIF Notification No: B/IE/20/01.