EPA Publication Cover

Schedule of fees for waste Licences

Year: 2008

Fees for Waste Licence Application, Surrenders, Reviews, Transfers and Objections as outlined in the second schedule to the Second schedule to the Waste Management Licensing Regualtions 2004

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Review of Waste Certificate of Registration Process - Local Authority

Year: 2008

This Fllowchart outlines the process of a Review of Waste Certificate of Registration Process from start to finish outlining all of the different options.

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Private Sector - Do I need a Waste Licence, Permit or Certificate of Registration

Year: 2008

This is to assist you in deciding if you require a Waste Licence, Waste Permit or a Certificate of Registration.

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Local Authority- Do I need a Waste Licence or Certificate of Registration

Year: 2008

This Decision Tree is to assist in deciding if you require a Waste Licence or a Certificate of Registration

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Guidance Note For Noise in relation to scheduled activities

Year: 2007

The objective of this guidance note is to provide practical information, advice and guidance on noise from activities licensable by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) under the Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) and waste licensing systems. The note sets out the Best Available Technologies(BAT) for Noise Control and Mitigation.

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Notification procedure for the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified crops

Year: 2007

Notification procedure for the Deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified crops for purposes other than placing on the market – Field trials in accordance with Article 14 of the GMO (Deliberate Release) Regulations S.I. No 500 of 2003

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The Emissions from Storage BAT Reference Document (2006)

Year: 2006

This document should be used to identify the Conclusions on BAT from the Storage BAT reference document (BREF) applicable for a given proposed licence application.

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Guidance note on Landfilling of Asbestos

Year: 2006

This document sets out a discussion basis and guidance in relation to the classification of landfills accepting asbestos waste.

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Waste Management - Taking Stock And Moving Forward

Year: 2004

This document (published April 2004) reviews progress and the continuing challenges in dealing with waste. It envisages the near-term introduction of thermal waste treatment as an alternative to landfill.

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Delivering Change – Preventing And Recycling Waste 2002

Year: 2002

This government policy document built on Changing Our Ways moving to concrete proposals to give authorities more power to tackle the problem of waste. The document also announced the establishment of a National Waste Prevention Programme in the Environmental Protection Agency.

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GMO Register Entry

Year: 2002

The GMO Register Entry G0134-01 provides significant details of the clinical trial.

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Inspector's report

Year: 2002

All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA inspector in his report to the Board of the Agency.

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Consent Conditions

Year: 2002

Consent Conditions G0134-01 issued to Schering Healthcare Limited for a clinical trial on patients suffering from angina pectoris, using a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO).

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Summary Notification Information Format (SNIF) for the release of genetically modified organisms other than higher plants

Year: 2002

Summary Notification Information Format (SNIF) for the release of genetically modified organisms other than higher plants (Part B, clinical trials)

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Summary Notification Information Format (SNIF) for the release of genetically modified higher plants (field trials)

Year: 2002

Summary Notification Information Format (SNIF) for the release of genetically modified higher plants (Angiospermae and Gymnospermae)(Part B, field trials)

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Guidelines On Containment Measures For Genetically Modified (GM) Animals

Year: 2001

There is a statutory requirement for users of GM animals to apply the principles of Good Animal House Practice. These guidelines are for GMO users who plan to work with GM animals in animal houses.

EPA Publication Cover

Guidelines For Those Planning To Work With GM Plants In Contained Environments

Year: 2001

These are guidelines for users who plan to work with GM plants in greenhouses, growthrooms, growth cabinets etc. The regulations require GMO users to 'apply principles of good greenhouse, growthroom practice, including such principles (if any) as may be specified or approved by the Agency.'

Landfill Site Design Thumbnail

Landfill Manual - Site Design

Year: 2000

The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on landfill site design so as to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment. Guidelines are presented for the design of landfill liner systems, leachate management systems, for landfill gas management and for the final capping system.
