EPA Publication Cover

Landfill Manual - Guidance Note on Landfill Restoration

Year: 1999

This document gives guidance on all aspects of landfill restoration. The manual sets down the requirements for successful restoration to afteruses such as nature conservation and amenity, woodland, agriculture and hard end uses such as built structures and car parks.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Pig Production Sector - Feb 1998

Year: 1998

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Pig Production Sector. Publsiehd February 1998.

EPA Publication Cover

Changing Our Ways waste report 1998

Year: 1998

This was the first in a series of comprehensive government policy documents on the management of waste in Ireland. It endorsed the integrated waste management approach, based on the internationally adopted hierarchy of options which places greatest emphasis on waste prevention, followed by minimisation, re-use, recycling, energy recovery and finally, the environmentally sustainable disposal of residual waste.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Wood Treatment and Preservation - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Wood Treatment and Preservation. Published November 1997.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture or Use of Coating Materials - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture or Use of Coating Materials. Published November 1997.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Extraction of Minerals - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Extraction of Minerals. Published November 1997.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres - Nov 1997

Year: 1997

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture of Synthetic Fibres. Published November 1997.

EPA Publication Cover

Landfill Manual- Guidance note on Operational Practices

Year: 1997

The objective of this manual is to contribute to the improved management of existing biodegradable landfill sites, whilst providing guidance on how new sites are to be operated. The manual should thus be seen as contributing to the process of improving national landfill standards which will accelerate with the implementation of the Waste Management Act.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Carbonation, etc of Coal, etc - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Carbonation, Gasificatgion, etc of Coal, Lignite, Oil and Buituminous Shale. Class 9.4. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Asbestos, Glass & Mineral Fibre Sector - 30/04/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Asbestos, Glass & Mineral Fibre Sector. Draft 3. 30/04/96.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Note - Chemical Sector - May 1996

Year: 1996

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Chemical Sector. Published May 1996.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Organo Tin - 13/10/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Organo Tin Coating. Class 12.1. Draft 1. 13/10/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Note - Glass Production - 37/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Glass Production. Class 4.3. Draft 1. 27/06/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Extraction of Peat - 14/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Extraction of Peat. Class 1.4. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture Glass Fibre or Mineral Fibre - 03/07/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture Glass Fibre or Mineral Fibre. Class 4.2. Draft 1. 03/07/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture of Vegetable & Amimal Oils and Fats - 05/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture of Vegetable & Animal Oils and Fats. Class 7.1. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Roasting, Sintering or Calcining - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Roasting, Sintering or Calcining. Clas 3.6. Draft 3. 14/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Crude Petroleum Handling & Storage

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Petroleum Handling & Storage. Class 9.2. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Forges - 15/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Forges, Drawing Plants and Rolling Mills and for Pressing, Drawing and Stamping of Large Casting. Classes 3.2 & 3.8. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Fellmongering & Tanning - 02/04/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note for Fellmongering & Tanning. Class 8.6. Draft 4. 02/04/96.
