Latest Publications

in: Industrial licensing
EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Fellmongering & Tanning - 02/04/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note for Fellmongering & Tanning. Class 8.6. Draft 4. 02/04/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Crude Petroleum Handling & Storage

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Petroleum Handling & Storage. Class 9.2. Draft 3. 15/05/96.

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Asbestos Sector - 03/06/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Asbestos Sector

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Waste Sector (IPPC) - May 1996

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Waste Sector. Published May 1996

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Manufacture of Sugar - Sept 1996

Year: 1996

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Manufacture of Sugar. Published September 1996.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Electroplating Operations - Oct 1996

Year: 1996

BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Electroplating Operations. Published October 1996.

EPA Publication Cover

BATNEEC Guidance Note - Board Manufacturing Sector - 1996

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for the Board Manufacturing Sector. Published 1996.

EPA Publication Cover

BAT Guidance Note for Ferrous Metal Processing and the Pressing, Drawing and Stamping of Large Castings where the Production Area exceeds 500 sq m

Year: 1996

BAT Guidance Note for Ferrous Metal Processing and the Pressing, Drawing and Stamping of Large Castings where the Production Area exceeds 500 sq m - Aug 2012

EPA Publication Cover

Draft BATNEEC Guidance Note - Ferrous Metals - 14/05/96

Year: 1996

Draft BATNEEEC Guidance Note for Ferrous Metal Foundries. Class 3.3. Draft 3. 15/05/96.
