Instruction note and screening tool for the assessment of odour emissions from Intensive Agriculture pig installations

Summary: This instruction note provides a methodology to applicants on how to predict and assess odour emissions from intensive agriculture pig rearing installations. The methodology includes an excel based screening tool, which can be used in conjunction with the instruction note. The screening tool is available to download on this page. Please note that Excel version 2007 or higher is required to run the tool without loss of functionality.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2022

Pages: 33

Filesize: 1,370 KB

Format: pdf


The instruction note covers the following topics:

The screening tool and instruction note replace the previous EPA odour contour acetate methodology and emission factors set out in the 2001 guidance note.

When carrying out odour assessments from intensive agriculture activities, the instruction Note should be used in tandem with the other EPA air guidance notes relevant to odour from industrial activities including:

  • Air Dispersion Modelling from Industrial Installations Guidance Note (AG4);
  • Odour Impact Assessment Guidance for EPA Licensed Sites (AG5); and
  • Odour Emission Guidance Note (AG9).

How to use the EPA Pig odour screening tool 

A video demonstrating how to use the EPA Pig Odour screening tool can be viewed on the EPA YouTube channel.