Year: 2018
The flow chart give a summary of the process for historic landfill including the various stages, timeframes
Year: 2018
This flow chart gives a summary of the process for Dumping at Sea including the various stages, timeframes and statutory notices.
Year: 2015
European Communities (Birds and Natural Habitats)(Amendment) Regulations 2015 S.I. 355 of 2015
Waste Management Policy in Ireland, April 2013
Year: 2013
This policy document sets out the measure through which Ireland will make the further pogress necessary to become a recycling society, with a clear focus on resource efficiency and the virtual elimination of landfilling of municipal waste. This is a Department of Environment, Community and Local Government publication.
Year: 2013
This document provides guidance on the Waste Management (Management of Waste from the Extractive Industries) Regulations 2009. The document illustrates how the key elements of the legislation affect individuals and organisations in the extractive industries. It also describes the obligations that fall on local authorities in respect of their regulatory functions for this sector.
Year: 2013
This manual provides guidance on the design and implementation of a monitoring programme in order to accurately assess the impact of a landfill on the surrounding environment and is intended for use by those involved in monitoring landfills
Year: 2012
Year: 2012
Historic Landfill Template Letter Qualified Person to Local Authority
Year: 2011
These schedules are an extract from the Waste Management Act 1996 as amended, detailing the disposal and recovery activities that require a waste licence.
Year: 2008
Fees for Waste Licence Application, Surrenders, Reviews, Transfers and Objections as outlined in the second schedule to the Second schedule to the Waste Management Licensing Regualtions 2004
Year: 2008
This Fllowchart outlines the process of a Review of Waste Certificate of Registration Process from start to finish outlining all of the different options.
Year: 2008
This is to assist you in deciding if you require a Waste Licence, Waste Permit or a Certificate of Registration.
Year: 2008
This Decision Tree is to assist in deciding if you require a Waste Licence or a Certificate of Registration
Year: 2004
This document (published April 2004) reviews progress and the continuing challenges in dealing with waste. It envisages the near-term introduction of thermal waste treatment as an alternative to landfill.
Year: 2002
This government policy document built on Changing Our Ways moving to concrete proposals to give authorities more power to tackle the problem of waste. The document also announced the establishment of a National Waste Prevention Programme in the Environmental Protection Agency.
Year: 2000
The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance on landfill site design so as to prevent or reduce as far as possible negative effects on the environment. Guidelines are presented for the design of landfill liner systems, leachate management systems, for landfill gas management and for the final capping system.
Year: 1999
This document gives guidance on all aspects of landfill restoration. The manual sets down the requirements for successful restoration to afteruses such as nature conservation and amenity, woodland, agriculture and hard end uses such as built structures and car parks.
Year: 1998
This was the first in a series of comprehensive government policy documents on the management of waste in Ireland. It endorsed the integrated waste management approach, based on the internationally adopted hierarchy of options which places greatest emphasis on waste prevention, followed by minimisation, re-use, recycling, energy recovery and finally, the environmentally sustainable disposal of residual waste.
Year: 1997
The objective of this manual is to contribute to the improved management of existing biodegradable landfill sites, whilst providing guidance on how new sites are to be operated. The manual should thus be seen as contributing to the process of improving national landfill standards which will accelerate with the implementation of the Waste Management Act.