Hydrology Bulletin Cover Feb 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - February 2022

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for February 2022, March 2022

Year: 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for February 2022 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.

Cover thumbnail for National Hydrometric Monitoring Programme 2018 - 2021

National Hydrometric Monitoring Programme 2022 - 2027

Year: 2022

The National Hydrometric Programme sets out the hydrometric monitoring that will be undertaken by various public authorities in Ireland in the period 2022 to 2027.

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Jan 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - January 2022

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for January 2022, February 2022

Year: 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for January 2022 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.

Irish sky in Cavan 2022

Annual Air Quality Bulletin 2021

Annual Air Quality Bulletin 2021, January 2022

Year: 2022

Annual AQ Bulletin 2021 for PM, NO2 and Ozone for the year 2021

Guidance for the Transportation and Temporary Storage of Metallic Mercury Waste

Year: 2022

This guidance relates specifically to metallic mercury and not to mercury compounds or mixtures.

A waterbody in a country are with some mountains in the background.

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - December 2021

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for December 2021., January 2022

Year: 2022

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for December 2021 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake and turlough levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.

Product Certification Service Sample Analysis Request Form

Year: 2021

Form to request product certification service sample analysis.

SEA Screening Good Practice

SEA Screening Good Practice 2021

Year: 2021

Good Practice Guidance for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Screening, which provides specific stand-alone guidance to assist plan/programme makers and SEA practitioners. The Guidance Note is focused primarily on plans/programmes in the non-land use sector in Ireland. It includes an elaboration of the steps needed for screening, the legislative landscape underpinning SEA screening, and step-by-step process and templates to assist in preparing the required documentation.

Register of Hydrometric Stations in Ireland 2022

This is a list of active and inactive hydrometric stations in Ireland where data has been collected., December 2021

Year: 2021

This is a list of active and inactive hydrometric stations for various organisations as part of the Hydrometric Programme.

Climate Change in the Irish Mind cover

Climate Change in the Irish Mind

Wave 1, Report 1 (2021), December 2021

Year: 2021

This report, carried out in partnership with Yale University, is a baseline study of the Irish population's beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours regarding climate change.

2019 waste report cover

National Waste Statistics Summary Report for 2019

Year: 2021

This report summarises EPA data on waste generation and management in Ireland in 2019. It highlights key trends and progress towards EU targets and identifies where further measures are needed to improve Ireland’s recycling rates and deliver the transition to a circular economy. The report collates and synthesises information available on the EPA Waste Statistics webpages: www.epa.ie/nationalwastestatistics

Hydrology Bulletin Cover Nov 2021

Hydrology Summary Bulletin - November 2021

Hydrology bulletin on rainfall, river flows, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows for November 2021., December 2021

Year: 2021

Hydrology Summary Bulletin for November 2021 outlining the flows in rivers, rainfall, lake levels, groundwater levels and spring outflows of over 300 stations across Ireland.
