Year: 2013
Ireland's Environment 2012 provides an integrated assessment of the overall quality of Ireland's environment, the pressures being placed on it and the societal responses to current and emerging environmental issues.
Year: 2013
The monitoring of water quality at 136 identified bathing waters in 2012 is governed by the new Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (S.I 79 of 2008) which transposed the new EU Directive on bathing water (2006/7/EC). The 2006 Directive gives stronger focus on the protection of public health, a proactive approach to the management of bathing water quality and greater public participation.
Year: 2013
Report on Ambient Air Quality in Ringsend, Dublin 4
Year: 2013
This report presents information on waste generation and management in 2011. The report illustrates progress towards meeting EU recovery, recycling and diversion from landfill targets. This download version was updated on 12 November 2013, to correct typographical errors identified since publication in March 2013.
Appendix 5.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009: Summary statistics for individual transitional and coastal water bodies assessed between 2007-2009., January 2013
Year: 2013
The monitoring results for 89 Irish transitional (estuarine) and coastal waterbodies 2007-2009 are summarised. The results should be read in conjunction with Chapter 5 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009.
Appendix 4.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009: Irish Lake Trophic Status and Ecological Status 2007-2009, January 2013
Year: 2013
Trophic status for 222 lakes determined by chlorophyll, total phosphorus, transparency and ecological status by a fuller suite of biological quality elements. Read in conjunction with main report Chapter Four.
Appendix 3-3 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009, January 2013
Year: 2013
Statistics for individual river sites monitored for WFD purposes.
Appendix 3.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009, January 2013
Year: 2013
An overview of the approach to defining ecological status for the Water Framework Directive is given. the distinction between water quality sensu strictu and ecological status is made and chemical status is also discussed.
Year: 2013
The protocol outlines details of a system for investigating serious animal and human health problems which may arise and for which explanations are not readily obvious.
Year: 2013
This leaflet explains how climate change issues can be considered in strategic environmental assessment (SEA), with particular reference to the requirements of European Directive 2001/42/EC (the "SEA Directive"). It explains what climate change impacts are and how they can be described, predicted and addressed.
Consultation Draft of the EPA's SEA Process Checklist to assist in undertaking a full SEA. This has been updated in January 2024 Also included is our SEA Scoping Checklist, also contained in our SEA Pack, but extracted for ease of use. This can also help with the Scoping Stage of the process. , January 2013
Year: 2013
Consultation Draft of the Environmental Protection Agency's SEA Process Checklist to assist in undertaking a full SEA
Year: 2013
Guidance on Conducting an Assessment of the Impact of Discharges from a Waste Water Work on the Microbiological Quality of Shellfish in Adjacent Designated Shellfish Waters.
Year: 2013
This Flowchart outlines the Application process for the Certification of Registration from start to finish with all of the different options through-out the process.
Effluent Characterisation Study Part A: WWTP Characterisation - Final Report, December 2012
Year: 2012
In June 2011, the EPA initiated a national wastewater monitoring study to facilitate reporting of Priority substances/PRTR pollutants by local authorities, regarding their EPA licensed wastewater treatment plants.
An assessment of drought flow conditions in Irish Rivers in the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 including a comparison with 1975 and 1976, December 2012
Year: 2012
The most severe drought flows recorded occurred in 1975 and 1976. The climatic conditions that caused those droughts are examined in this document. The drought flows of 1989, 1990 and 1991 are compared with 1975 and 1976.
Year: 2012
This report examines the rainfall pattern and low river flows that were recorded at selected rainfall and hydrometric stations in 1995 and compares them to the rainfall pattern and low river flows that occured in the drought year 1976.
This report provides details of the review carried out of the EPA Hydrometric Programme, December 2012
Year: 2012
This review investigates the work undertaken by the Hydrometric and Groundwater Section of the EPA and the many activities that utilise the hydrometric data generated by the section. A review of individual hydrometric stations was conducted for the prioritisation of future hydrometric programmes. The review also outlines recommendations for the future implementation of the EPA–Local Authority hydrometric programme
Year: 2012
The report includes a review of both sea water and freshwater bathing areas based on samples of water taken every two weeks between mid May and 31 August.