This is the report of the review of effectiveness review of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines.
Summary: Findings of the review of the effectiveness of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines
Eleven years after the Directive (2001/42/EC) came into force and nearly eight years after the passing of Irish SEA Regulations 2004 (S.I. 435 and 436), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has initiated this review to examine how effective the SEA process was in the preparation of the Regional Planning Guidelines (RPGs) 2010–2022 in Ireland. This Study is part of a national study entitled ‘Review of Effectiveness of SEA in Ireland’ prepared on behalf of the EPA by RPS Consultants. The results of this RPG Study were incorporated into the national study, though it also has specific recommendations for the next review of the Regional Planning Guidelines. SEA effectiveness can be direct: it can lead to changes in a plan that reduce the plan’s negative impacts and increase its benefits. It can also be indirect, for instance through better understanding of the environment and planning by planners and the public and improved participation in plan making by the public.