SEA Resource Manual for Local and Regional Planning Authorities

Summary: The Manual provides a step by step guide to the SEA and plan-making process with a view to promoting integration between the key stages of both processes. It has been prepared for Local and Regional Authorities by the Western Regional Authority (WRA) in association with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Note: This version was reviewed/updated in 2015.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2015

Pages: 238

Filesize: 9,816 KB

Format: pdf


The draft SEA Resource Manual for Local and Regional Planning Authorities reflects the need for guidance for planner on the integration of the SEA and the plan-making processes. This need for guidance was identified in the 2012 SEA Effectiveness Review and was one of the priority Actions in the SEA Action Plan 2012-2016.   The Manual also addresses integration of Appropriate Assessment and Flood Risk Assessment with SEA and Plan making, though the focus is primarily on the integration of SEA.  While the Manual is targeted at those preparing landuse plans, Parts I and II are applicable to other sectors which must conduct SEA.

Note: This version was reviewed and updated in 2015