Year: 2025
Ireland's annual inventory submissions including the National Inventory Document (NID) and Common Reporting Table (CRT) data files and supplementary information if available. The NID contains transparent and detailed information on the inventory for years 1990-2023. The CRT tables contain all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, implied emission factors and activity data..
Year: 2025
Ireland's submissions under UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and National Emissions Ceiling Directive (NECD) include the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) and Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) tables. The IIR and NFR contain detailed information on methodologies, activity data and emission factors and emissions for years 1990-2023.
Year: 2025
A survey of landfill sites to determine the quantity of methane flared and or recovered in utilisation plants for 2024
Year: 2024
This is the second EPA report in a new series of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland to support more frequent monitoring of national and sectoral progress on climate action. The series will complement the national greenhouse gas inventory and projections prepared annually by the EPA. Emissions in quarter 2 2024 were down by 4.1 per cent on the same quarter last year. This was mainly driven by declining emissions from electricity generation (-19.1 per cent), agriculture (-4.6 per cent) and industrial processes (-9.4 per cent). It should be noted that these data have been seasonally adjusted to provide a clearer picture of the underlying trends independent of seasonal fluctuations.
Year: 2024
The EPA has launched a new series of quarterly greenhouse gas emissions for Ireland to support more frequent monitoring of national and sectoral progress on climate action. The series will complement the national greenhouse gas inventory and projections prepared annually by the EPA. The data from the first three months of this year show an overall reduction of 2.2 per cent compared to quarter 1 2023, and a 0.2 per cent increase on quarter 4 2023. It should be noted that these data have been seasonally adjusted to provide a clearer picture of the underlying trends independent of seasonal fluctuations.
Year: 2024
The EPA has produced provisional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the time period 1990-2023. This report provides early insight into the annual greenhouse gas emissions in advance of final data being submitted to the EU and UN in 2025.
Year: 2024
EPA special topic bulletin on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals from Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) as part of a special topic series examining sectoral and cross-cutting climate issues. This bulletin provides an insight into the history of land use in Ireland and looks in detail at the six land use categories relevant to GHG emissions reporting. It also sheds light on Ireland’s LULUCF emissions reduction targets and on updates and revisions to the LULUCF GHG Inventory produced by the EPA.
Year: 2024
This report provides an assessment of Ireland’s total projected greenhouse gas emissions out to 2050 which includes an assessment of progress towards achieving its National ambitions under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 and EU emission reduction targets for 2030 as set under the EU Effort Sharing Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/842).
Year: 2024
Ireland's submissions under UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and National Emissions Ceiling Directive (NECD) include the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) and Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) tables. The IIR and NFR contain detailed information on methodologies, activity data and emission factors and emissions for years 1990-2022.
Year: 2024
Latest report (2024) on Ireland's National Emission Reduction Commitment Directive (NECD) emissions. Five main air pollutants, NOx, SO2, NH3, NMVOC and PM2.5
Year: 2024
The EPA has produced final estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the time period 1990-2022. In addition a dedicated Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) publication summarising recent changes is in preparation.
Year: 2024
This information note summarises how national inventories are updated with the latest science and which urease inhibitor products are included current national emission inventories and projections.
Year: 2024
Ireland's annual inventory submissions including the National Inventory Report (NIR) and Common Reporting Format (CRF) data files and supplementary information if available. The NIR contains transparent and detailed information on the inventory for years 1990-2022. The CRF tables contain all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, implied emission factors and activity data..
Year: 2023
The EPA has produced provisional estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the time period 1990-2022. This report provides early insight into the annual greenhouse gas emissions in advance of final data being submitted to the EU and UN in 2024.
Year: 2023
This report provides an updated assessment of Ireland’s total projected greenhouse gas emissions out to 2040 which includes an assessment of progress towards achieving its National ambitions under the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development (Amendment) Act 2021 and EU emission reduction targets for 2030 as set under the EU Effort Sharing Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/842).
Year: 2023
Latest report (2023) on Ireland's National Emission Reduction Commitment Directive (NECD) emissions. Five main air pollutants, NOx, SO2, NH3, NMVOC and PM2.5
Year: 2023
The EPA has produced final estimates of greenhouse gas emissions for the time period 1990-2021
Year: 2023
Ireland's annual inventory submissions including the National Inventory Report (NIR) and Common Reporting Format (CRF) data files and supplementary information if available. The NIR contains transparent and detailed information on the inventory for years 1990-2021. The CRF tables contain all greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and removals, implied emission factors and activity data..
Year: 2023
Ireland's submissions under UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and National Emissions Ceiling Directive (NECD) include the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) and Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) tables. The IIR and NFR contain detailed information on methodologies, activity data and emission factors and emissions for years 1990-2021.
Year: 2023
A survey of landfill sites to determine the quantity of methane flared and or recovered in utilisation plants for 2022