Climate Attitudes and Literacy in the Civil Service (CALCS)


Summary: The Climate Attitudes and Literacy in the Civil Service (CALCS) report examines beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours regarding climate change among civil servants in Ireland.

Climate Attitudes and Literacy in the Civil Service report cover

Published: 2025

ISBN: 978-1-80009-201-3

Pages: 68

Filesize: 1,561 KB

Format: pdf


The Climate Attitudes and Literacy in the Civil Service (CALCS) survey was developed under the Government’s Climate Action Plan and was led by the Environmental Protection Agency, with Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications (DECC) as a main stakeholder. The CALCS survey was carried out in April 2024 and was based on the lessons learned from the EPA’s Climate Change in the Irish Mind (CCIM) research program.

This report expands on the questionnaire from 2023's CCIM Wave 2 and covers a wide variety of topics and themes: Climate Change Beliefs; Worry about Climate Change Impacts and Extreme Weather; Climate Change Risk Perceptions; Personal Experience of Climate Change; Climate change Policy Support; Public Sector Climate Action Leadership; Consumer Behaviour; Norms and Media Sources; and Climate Literacy.