Encouraging Cooperation in Climate Collective Action Problems

Behavioural Insights Series No. 3

Summary: This report examines how behavioural science can help solve the climate collective action problems.

Report cover

Published: 2024

ISBN: 978-1-80009-212-9

Pages: 84

Filesize: 1,279 KB

Format: pdf


This report examines how behavioural science can help solve the climate collective action problem. Behavioural science studies how people make decisions, such as whether to cooperate or free-ride when faced with collective action dilemmas. The report reviews existing research to find relevant evidence and identify concrete policy implications for Ireland. The report has three aims:

1. To summarise behavioural science research on collective action in a “narrative review” format.
2. To systematically review the evidence from the behavioural science literature on climate collective action in a “scoping review” format.
3. To draw policy implications from the reviews on encouraging climate collective action in Ireland.
