Public Advice on the Identification of new Bathing Waters

Year: 2016

The purpose of this document is to provide advice to members of the public on the type and quality of information likely to be required to support submissions for new bathing waters in order that they may be considered by local authorities for inclusion in national monitoring programs.

Nitrates Directive Article 10 Report for Ireland for the Period 2012-2015

Council Directive of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC), June 2016

Year: 2016

This report provides the information from Ireland to the European Commission, as required under Article 10 of the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC), with respect to the sixth reporting period (2012-2015). The report comprises: a description, with maps, of the evolution of water quality in groundwater and surface waters; a statement on the adoption of a Whole Territory Approach with respect to the designation of nitrate vulnerable zones; a summary of agricultural activities and an account of the implementation of the agricultural Code of Good Practice and a summary of the principal measures and an evaluation of the National Action Programme for limiting nitrate inputs from agricultural sources.

Bathing Water Quality in Ireland

A Report for the Year 2015, April 2016

Year: 2016

The quality of Ireland’s bathing waters remains very high with just over 93% of identified bathing waters (128 of 137) meeting the minimum EU standards for ‘Sufficient’ water quality over the 4 year assessment period 2012-2015. Full details can be view in the downloaded report.

WFD Application Phase 1 Technical Overview

WFD Application Phase 1 Technical Overview, August 2015

Year: 2015

WFD Application Phase 1 Technical Overview

An approach to characterisation as part of implementation of the Water Framework Directive

Version 2.0 May 2015, August 2015

Year: 2015

WFD Characterisation Approach (May 2015)

Water Quality in Ireland 2010 - 2012 cover

Water Quality in Ireland 2010 - 2012

Year: 2015

The purpose of the report is to give a detailed review of all the main issues related to the quality of the aquatic environment in Ireland, in order to provide guidance towards the protection and enhancement of this valuable resource, and the preparation of second cycle river basin management plans under the Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2014 cover

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2014

An Overview for the year 2014, April 2015

Year: 2015

Overall the quality of Ireland’s bathing water quality remains extremely high, with 94% of bathing waters complying with new stricter EU standards and achieving at least ‘Sufficient’ water quality status in 2014. Assessment was undertaken using 4 years of data (2011-2014) as opposed to annual data previously. Around 90% of other monitored waters also met the standards for at least ‘Good’ quality.

Integrated Water Quality Assessments - North Western & Neagh Bann River Basin Districts 2013

Year: 2014

This assessment presents the latest monitoring data, an assessment of the data and a focus on key issues that affect water quality in the NBIRBD and NWIRBD.

Bathing Water Factsheet

Bathing Water Factsheet, July 2014

Year: 2014

General information on bathing waters in Ireland

Integrated Water Quality Report Sout Eastern River Basin District 2013 cover

Integrated Water Quality Report South Eastern River Basin District 2013

Year: 2014

This assessment presents the latest monitoring data, an assessment of the data and a focus on key issues that affect water quality in the South Eastern River Basin District.

Guidance on the Authorisation of Direct Dischages to Groundwater cover

Guidance on the Authorisation of Direct Discharges to Groundwater

Year: 2014

This guidance addresses direct discharges to groundwater from point sources of potential pollution. It supplements the earlier report published by the EPA in 2011 entitled “Guidance on the Authorisation of Discharges to Groundwater” which focused on the technical assessment of indirect discharges to groundwater.

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2013 cover

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2013

An Overview for the year 2013, April 2014

Year: 2014

Overall the quality of Ireland’s bathing water quality remains very high, with 97 per cent of bathing waters complying with the EU mandatory values and achieving at least ‘Sufficient’ water quality status in 2013. 114 bathing waters met the stricter guideline values achieving ‘Good’ status. The warm, dry summer in 2013 aided a return to normality compared to the wet season of 2012 where only 91 of 136 waters met ‘Good’ status.

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2012 cover

The Quality of Bathing Water in Ireland 2012

Year: 2013

The monitoring of water quality at 136 identified bathing waters in 2012 is governed by the new Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008 (S.I 79 of 2008) which transposed the new EU Directive on bathing water (2006/7/EC). The 2006 Directive gives stronger focus on the protection of public health, a proactive approach to the management of bathing water quality and greater public participation.

Summary Statistics for Estuaries and Coastal Waters 2007-2009

Appendix 5.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009: Summary statistics for individual transitional and coastal water bodies assessed between 2007-2009., January 2013

Year: 2013

The monitoring results for 89 Irish transitional (estuarine) and coastal waterbodies 2007-2009 are summarised. The results should be read in conjunction with Chapter 5 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009.

Irish Lake Trophic Status and Ecological Status 2007-2009

Appendix 4.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009: Irish Lake Trophic Status and Ecological Status 2007-2009, January 2013

Year: 2013

Trophic status for 222 lakes determined by chlorophyll, total phosphorus, transparency and ecological status by a fuller suite of biological quality elements. Read in conjunction with main report Chapter Four.

Compendium of River Water Chemistry 2007-2009

Appendix 3-3 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009, January 2013

Year: 2013

Statistics for individual river sites monitored for WFD purposes.

River Status Assessment

Appendix 3.1 of Water Quality in Ireland 2007-2009, January 2013

Year: 2013

An overview of the approach to defining ecological status for the Water Framework Directive is given. the distinction between water quality sensu strictu and ecological status is made and chemical status is also discussed.

Salinity related DIN and MRP values for WFD

Year: 2013

Salinity related DIN and MRP values for WFD

Assessment and Forecasting of Drought Flow Conditions in Irish Rivers

An assessment of drought flow conditions in Irish Rivers in the years 1989, 1990 and 1991 including a comparison with 1975 and 1976, December 2012

Year: 2012

The most severe drought flows recorded occurred in 1975 and 1976. The climatic conditions that caused those droughts are examined in this document. The drought flows of 1989, 1990 and 1991 are compared with 1975 and 1976.

An Assessment of the 1995 Drought

Year: 2012

This report examines the rainfall pattern and low river flows that were recorded at selected rainfall and hydrometric stations in 1995 and compares them to the rainfall pattern and low river flows that occured in the drought year 1976.
