Bathing Water Quality in Ireland

A Report for the Year 2015

Summary: The quality of Ireland’s bathing waters remains very high with just over 93% of identified bathing waters (128 of 137) meeting the minimum EU standards for ‘Sufficient’ water quality over the 4 year assessment period 2012-2015. Full details can be view in the downloaded report.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2016

ISBN: 978-1-84095-636-8

Pages: 47

Filesize: 3,448 KB

Format: pdf


Key Findings:

  • In 2015, 93.4% of bathing waters (128 of the 137 bathing areas) complied with  EU minimum standards and were classified as achieving at least ‘Sufficient’ water quality status.
  • Three quarters of bathing waters (101 of 137, 74%) were classified as being of ‘Excellent’ water quality.
  • A further 13 (9%) were classified as being of ‘Good’ water quality.
  • 14 bathing areas (10%) classified as being of ‘Sufficient’ water quality.  These waters remain at risk of episodic pollution events.
  • 2 bathing waters (Lilliput and Clifden) improved significantly and were classed as ‘Changes’ until sufficient samples are available for full classification
  • 6 bathing waters (4.4%) failed to meet the minimum required standard and were classified as being of ‘Poor’ quality. These were:


Bathing WaterLocal Authority
Youghal (Front Strand) Cork County Council
Duncannon Wexford County Council
Rush (South beach) Fingal County Council
Ballyloughane Galway City Council
Merrion Strand Dublin City Council
Loughshinny Fingal County Council