Supporting information for the interim water quality review as required as a condition of Ireland's derogation under the Nitrates Directive - Technical Document

Summary: Supporting information for the interim water quality review as required as a condition of Ireland's derogation under the Nitrates Directive - Technical Document

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2023

Pages: 13

Filesize: 1,353 KB

Format: pdf


This is a technical document with supporting information for the interim water quality review as required as a condition of Ireland's derogation under the Nitrates Directive.

The results and data from the interim water quality assessment are available for download from : On the menu on the left, click on "Water/ Water Framework Directive", scroll down to “Nitrates Directive Information” and select the Excel (for results and data) or the Shapefile (for the GIS data).

Answers to frequently asked questions on the EPA's assessment of water quality and agriculture are also available.