EPA Advice Note for Strategic Noise Mapping of Major Roads for the Environmental Noise Regulations 2018

Summary: The objective of this advice note is to provide practical information, advice and guidance to noise mapping bodies on the various steps involved in the collection, collation and reporting of the Round 4 road datasets to the EPA.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2020

Pages: 24

Filesize: 605 KB

Format: pdf


Noise Mapping: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland

Under the Noise Regulations 2018, all Local Authorities are responsible for strategic noise mapping of non-National major roads, i.e. all roads with more than 3 million vehicle passages per year. Under the Regulations, noise-mapping bodies are required to deliver certain reports and data to the EPA, which has been designated the national competent authority under the Regulations.

The collection, collation and reporting of the round 4 road datasets to the EPA form part of a statutory requirement under the Regulations. The reporting deadlines are either directly set out within the Regulations, or have been established by the EPA to ensure that regulatory deadlines can be met by the relevant reporting entity.

Additional support and guidance on these reports can be provided by the EPA on request.

Please contact the EPA (t.dolan@epa.ie) if you require any further updates.