Guidance for Reporting of Agglomerations and designated Major Roads inside Agglomerations under the Environmental Noise Regulations

Summary: A “major road” is defined as a road with an annual total bi-directional flow during 2016 above 3,000,000 vehicle passages per year, approximately 8,220 vehicle passages per average 24 hours.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2011

Pages: 8

Filesize: 957 KB

Format: pdf


Under the Regulations, Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) is the designated noise mapping body for National roads designated as “major roads”. The relevant road authority or local authorities are the designated noise mapping bodies for non-National “major roads” within their functional area.

For the third round of strategic noise mapping, to be completed by the end of June 2018, a “major road” is defined as a road with an annual total bi-directional flow during 2016 above 3,000,000 vehicle passages per year, approximately 8,220 vehicle passages per average 24 hours.

Transport Infrastructure Ireland, Local Authorities and road authorities across Ireland are responsible for identifying and reporting to the EPA sections of major road above the relevant flow threshold. The noise mapping bodies for national and non-national major roads are to liaise to ensure that the mapping of slip roads, connecting roads, roundabouts and junctions is coordinated to ensure continuity of coverage of the mapping, and consistency of the traffic flow data and modelling data used.

Please contact the EPA ( if you require any further updates.