Guidance Note on Noise Assessment of Wind Turbine Operations at EPA Licensed Sites (NG3)

Summary: This Guidance Note is intended to allow IPPC or waste licence holders to determine if their own sites are suitable for wind turbine development with respect to noise nuisance.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2011

Pages: 56

Filesize: 1,535 KB

Format: pdf


The noise guidance notes previously released by the Agency provide for standard noise monitoring and assessment of industrial noise.  The noise impact from wind turbines is different to standard industrial noise as it has varying noise levels with wind speed, and it also varies in relation to monitoring requirements.

The objectives of this guidance note (NG3) are to provide:

  • guidance on assessing the potential noise impact on noise sensitive locations (NSLs) from wind turbines on EPA licensed sites
  • a noise impact assessment methodology to ensure that all data generated is reliable and that the recommendations are fully justifiable.

This noise guidance document (NG3) is intended to allow IPPC or waste licence holders to determine if their own sites are suitable for wind turbine development with respect to noise nuisance.  This noise suitability assessment should include a licensee's historical noise compliance with licence conditions.  If the assessment shows that there is a potential for noise nuisance to be caused, the licensee should consider opportunities for noise mitigation to negate noise nuisance impact or reconsider the suitability of the proposed turbine locations, or site, for such a development.