EPA Guidance Note for Noise Action Planning for the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (July 2009)

Updated sections (June 2018)

Summary: The objective of the original Guidance note (July 2009) was to provide practical information, advice and guidance to designated Action Planning Authorities on the development of noise action plans under the Environmental Noise Regulations, and reporting of the plans to the EPA.

EPA Publication Cover

Published: 2018

Pages: 17

Filesize: 542 KB

Format: pdf


This draft document (June 2018) has been issued to provide an update of the original EPA Noise Action planning Guidance (2009).

The approach for the Round 3 noise action plans is very much based around the original guidance but it now includes some updated timelines, a review of the Round 2 action plans, and an update on the strategic policy context. The revised guidance note includes the latest information on environmental noise and health, as well as some updates on planning guidance, on identification of priority noise areas & on the Dublin Agglomeration noise action plan. It also outlines the process involved for Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) pre-screening of noise action plans.

Please contact the EPA (t.dolan@epa.ie) if you require any further updates.