Household bin infographic

What is in our Household Bins?

Year: 2018

This infographic gives information on the contents of household bins


WEEE data for 2016

Year: 2018

Report cover with pictures of waste

Progress Report National Hazardous Waste Management Plan (2014-2020)

Year: 2018

This report presents the progress of the recommended actions outlined in the National Hazardous Waste Management Plan. While many of the recommended actions have been advanced, a stronger focus is needed in the areas of hazardous waste prevention and the development of waste management infrastructure necessary for Ireland to become more self-sufficient in treatment and management of its hazardous waste.

Non-HH characterisation report cover

Non-Household Waste Characterisation Campaign 2017-2018 - final report

Results and commentary on the 2017-2018 non-household municipal waste (kerbside) characterisation study, May 2018

Year: 2018

This report summarises and comments on the results of waste characterisation work that was carried out on non-household municipal waste

HH characterisation report cover

Household Waste Characterisation Campaign 2017-2018 - final report

Results and commentary on the 2017-2018 household municipal waste (kerbside) characterisation study, May 2018

Year: 2018

This report summarises and comments on the results of waste characterisation work that was carried out on household municipal waste

Report Cover with a logo of a house

Guidance for the Management of Household Hazardous Waste at Civic Amenity Sites

Year: 2017

This guidance will assist the network of Civic Amenity sites in Ireland to accept a larger range of household hazardous waste types while at the same time assisting to identify, assess and manage the environmental, health and safety risks associated.


WEEE data for 2015

Year: 2017

Progress to targets

Ireland's progress towards EU waste targets - November 2017

Year: 2017

Table presenting Ireland's progress towards meeting EU waste targets


WEEE data for 2014

Year: 2017

Local Authority PCB Contaminated Land Guidance

Year: 2017

This document provides Local Authorities guidance on the first steps to be taken on discovery of PCB-contaminated land.
